The nightmare

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Ryes POV
I woke up with sweat on my forehead. Not again... I looked at Andy who was still asleep. He is so cute. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and got out of bed. I looked over at the clock beside my bed. "3:46am" I muttered as I walked out of my room. Why cant I just sleep normally. Why does the same nightmare have to haunt me? I always wake up before the end... Am I really this scared of a stupid dream? People always say one day your dreams will come true... But they forget to point out that nightmares are dreams too. Sat down in the hallway and lent against the wall. I closed my eyes to see it happen again... It was just a normal day at first then something happened... I quickly opened my eyes and looked down at the floor.Then I felt a tear run down my face. "Its my fault..." I muttered as I burried my face into my hands. Why wont the nightmare go away?! I had been having the same nightmare for the past couple of days.... I need to get my mind off of it. At least Andy didnt wake up when I left the room...

Maybe I should go for a run to clear my head. So I got up off the floor and dried my eyes and looked down at what I was wearing. I was wearing some joggers but I need to get a shirt or something. I saw one of Mikeys hoodies on the floor so I grabbed it and put it on. Each step I took felt like I was walking in to the sea. I didnt have my phone or keys or anything. I grabbed my shoes and put them on and froze when I got to the door...  Should I leave?

"What are you doing up at this time?" I jumped out of my skin and saw Brooklyn walking up to me. "Don't do that! You scared me!" I shout-whispered at Brooklyn. I was still a bit on edge. "Sorry... But why are you awake?" Brooklyn asked as we both stood in the hallway. I just stood there and thought for a moment. "I couldn't sleep... why are you awake?" I asked as I gave him a fake smile. He just smiled back. "I was just thirsty and I was going to sneek into the kitchen to grab a drink." Brooklyn whispered back. We both stood there for a moment. I didnt know what to say to him. Maybe I should stay... What Andy wakes up before i get home? But I want to go out... "Where are you going?" Brooklyn asked as we both walked to the kitchen. "Just for a run.." I muttered as I gave him a small smile. "But its 3:51am! Whats wrong?" He asked as he got a glass of water. Think brain think! And of course it fail me... "I just feel like it" I lied as we walked back to the jacklyn room. He gave me a confused look. "If theres something on your mind you do know that you can always talk to me about it." He said with a concerned and a reasuring smile. I wanted to tell him so badly... But I cant tell him here.. "I am ok... I am going to go out and clear my head. You get some sleep and I will tell you tomorrow.. Well later" I said with a smile. Brooklyn nodded and went into his and Jacks room.

Alone again... I quickly went over to the 'Rarvey' room to see Andy still asleep. I love Andy so much. I went over to him and kissed him and walked back out the room. Nothing will ever take Andy way from me! NOTHING! I sighed and left the house. Now lets for a run...

1 hour later...
I have finally finished my run and I was back at the front door of the house. I wanted to go back inside and lay with Andy so when he wakes up he wont know that i left... But I felt like I had done that before. Why does it feel like I have already done this? I shook my head and entered the house and took off my shoes. Do you ever get this feeling that you have already done this even when you haven't? Its like a really creepy verson pf deja vu. I looked at the clock in the hallway. 4:59am... I dont want to go back to sleep... What should I do? I walked over to the 'Rarvey' room and opened the door to see Andy sitting on my bed holding my phone.

"Andy? What are you doing up?" I asked as I walked into the room. Andy got up off my bed and hugged me. "I could ask you the same thing!" He sounded a bit angry but he sounded mostly releaved to see me. "I went on a run... Sorry I didnt tell you. You just looked so cute when your asleep.." I muttered the word cute as I was embarassed. He just sighed as he dragged me into my bed and we both lay down. "Rye its 5am!" He whined as he cuddled closer to me. I felt really guilty now... "Sorry.." I muttered and I kissed his forehead. I could tell that he still wasnt happy but I think he was to tired to argue about this. "Lets just get some sleep" he said and he closed his eyes. However I was not going to fall asleep. I dont want to dream about it anymore....

I hadnt slept at all... I had just been watching Andy sleep. He was so perfect... I wish I was that perfect... "Morning.." He muttered as he kissed me. I kissed back and gave him a smile. "Did you sleep well" I asked as I sat up. He nodded as he sat up and looked at me in my eyes. "How did you sleep?" He asked but I could tell that he already knew the answer... "Ye.." I muttered I knew that he could tell that I was lying. "Why did you lie? I can tell you know.." Andy said sounding quite hurt... "Sorry. I am just ... Not feeling great" i said with a small smile. He gave me a look of sympathy. "You can always talk to me about it..." He said as he gave me a hug. I wanted to tell him so bad but the nightmare.... I just cant...

"Hurry up! We are playing football before we go to the studio remember?!" Mikey said with a big smile on his face. I could see Andy smile as he loved football. "We will be ready in 15 minutes" Andy said as Mikey left. "How are we going to be ready in 15 minutes. We both need to have a shower." I said as we both stood up. "We will be ready in 15 minutes as we are going to shower together" he said in his seductive voice. Then I felt myself being dragged into the bathroom. If theres something that would put a smile on my face this would be it.

15mins later
We both were ready. Everyone had eaten and we were walking down to the football pitch... I looked around and noticed that I had been here before... But when? We only moved here a couple of weeks ago. " You ready to play football?!" Jack asked me as he kept throwing and catching the ball. Thats when it hit me! I am living the nightmare.... I was about to make up a excuse to stop us all playing football when Mikey shouted. "Look the grounds over there!!" All the boys ran over to it. I just stood there... Andy ran over and he dropped his phone in the middle of the road. Nothing was coming... So he went over to his phone then everything went into slow motion....

I felt numb. I could see the sports car with the drunk driver coming towards Andy... Everytime I had seen this nightmare it always ended the same way... But I am not going to let that happen this time! I felt the world start to go back to normal. "ANDY!!" I shouted as he looked up and saw the car coming towards him. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through me and I ran over to Andy and shoved him out of the way of the drunk driver. Then I felt myself being hit instead....

I couldnt move... It is hard to describe how I felt. Happy that I saved Andy... But I was scared that I was going to die... In my nightmare I watched Andy die.. It felt weird that it was going to be the other way round..

"RYE!!" I heard all the boys shouted as they ran over to me. I gave them a smile. Andy was crying and was hugging me. All the boys were crying to. "Dont cry... I love you all" i said as everything went black...

"Rye?" I woke up in my bed and looked to see Andy and the boys looking at me. "What time is it? "I asked as I gave them all a confused look. "Well you didnt go to bed till 5am and Andy said we should let you sleep" Jack responed. Wait does this mean I have slept through the nightmare? "Its 2pm" Mikey said as I sat up. "Why are you all in here?" I asked with a smile. It was so nice to see them all. "Well you called out in your sleep 'i love you all' and we wanted to see if you were ok" Brooklyn said with a smile. I laughed and so did they. "Do you still want to play football?" Andy asked. "Not today... Lets go to Nando's I will pay!" I said as I saw them all smile. "Thanks Rye!!" They all said as they all left the room. I do love those guys.

"You seem to be in a good mood" Andy said as he sat next to me. I couldnt say anything. I just hugged him and kept kissing him. "Someones missed me!" He said in a playful voice as he kissed and hugged me back. "I love you more then anything! And dont forget that!" I said as I pulled away. "I love you more than words can say. And dont you forget it!" Andy said with a smile.

"Let me just get in the shower then we can go... You can join me if you want~" I said with a cheeky smile. "I would love to~" he said as he dragged me in to the bathroom.

Thank you so much for 10k reads!! I really it thank youxx i dont know if I should do anything for getting to 10k reads. But thank you for reading this x have a brilliant day xx

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