Chapter 1

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The warm, summer wind blows against my hair, as I casually stare out the window. A smile curves around my lips, as I run a hand through my hair. Throughout the past summertime, I've been learning about people in the community. For instance, there's a girl named Mitzi. She is extremely snobby, constantly showing off what she has.

While her stuff is fairly cool, I would rather fly around the city and feel the wind against my wings. A sudden burst of energy snaps me out of my thoughts, as my eyes flash dangerously. My eyebrows furrow as a sense of familiarity forms within me. I ponder what to do, seeing a red-haired female casually head towards the power. I hurriedly park my car, rushing to the scene.

I make it to the scene. Amusement forms on my face as I stare at the scene, seeing Stella struggling against some ghouls. The ghouls tackle her to the ground, taking her specter. The ogre burst into a dark laughter, as a smirk forms on his lips.

I roll my eyes in annoyance, casually walking towards the scene. "Leave her alone," I say, a casual smirk appearing on my lips. I lock eyes with Stella, as amusement twinkles in my eyes. "Aqua: transformation." Light surrounds me as my form starts to change.

"Well, if it isn't another fairy," mocks the ogre, who stares at me in pure amusement

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"Well, if it isn't another fairy," mocks the ogre, who stares at me in pure amusement. "You'll be thanking me for this later, Stella," I say with a cocky smile, being well aware that she never thanked me whenever I saved her.

"I-I still can fight...!" Stella says weakly, trying her hardest to stand up. I cast her a dirty look, narrowing my eyes at the ogre. What could his reason be for attacking her? "Stay back," I warn, as tons of ghouls surround me.

"You can't handle them!" Stella states abruptly, as she anxiously bites her lips. I roll my eyes, closing my eyes in concentration. If I can concentrate enough, then I can do this. "Aqua, help me!" Stella says frantically, as the ghouls surround her. I jerk my head around and immediately cancel the spell.

I flick my wrist, creating a powerful barrier around her. "Thanks a lot, Stella," I say sarcastically. "Next time, you need to learn how to defend yourself." I sigh heavily, feeling slightly lightheaded. I sigh, remembering how I learned this spell. That day, I was going to deliver a paper to another teacher. That's when I saw Mrs. Griselda teaching a spell to some upperclassmen and watched how she did it. Since then, I've been practicing that spell to learn it.

"How are you doing that?" Stella asks. I ignore her, concentrating on keeping the barrier up. Sweat pours down my forehead as I breathe heavily, feeling the spell quickly zapping at my strength. "I can't hold it for long..." I say in a serious tone.

"Fine, let the shield down," she states in pure determination. "I might be able to fly." I nod, allowing the barrier to disappear into thin air. Stella grins, flying towards the ogre. She aims a punch in his direction, refusing to back down. The ogre grabs her arms, throwing her like a rag doll to the ground.

"You idiot," I say coldly, as Stella coughs up blood. I raise my arms in the air, releasing orbs of water all around. The gools disappear into thin air as a small smirk appears on my lips. I sigh quickly, feeling a wave of exhaustion form over me.

The ogre knocks me to the ground, pointing Stella's specter at me. I groan angrily, glaring at the ogre. "Leave them alone!" An unfamiliar voice yells. The red haired female stands there, with a stern look on her face.

"Gho—" The ogre begins, soon remembering that his minions were gone. I force myself to my feet, before rushing to Stella. "You're pathetic," I murmur, placing my hands up to her chest. "Water heal."

Stella's eyes snap open, as she nervously glances all around. "W-What's happening...?" Stella asks weakly. I follow her eyes to the human, eyeing her carefully. The human casts a barrier, knocking the ogre back. The ogre groans angrily, charging in the direction of the human.

I launch myself between the human and the ogre, having a stern look on my face. "You attacked the wrong people," I say in an arrogant tone. "Now, it's time to end this." My fist hits the ogre's chin, knocking him into the trees.

Stella smiles, picking up the specter the ogre dropped. "You have no chance since I have my specter back," Stella says, pointing her specter in the ogre's direction. The ogre's eyes widen as he places his hands together, disappearing into thin air.

Stella's legs wobble as she leans against her knees for support. "Follow me," I say sternly, leading them in the direction of my car. The red haired female helps Stella get into the car, wearing a nervous look. "So, where to?" I say as Stella falls unconscious, as her fairy form disappears almost instantly. I sigh, before returning back to normal.

"Let's go to my house," the red haired female says warmly

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"Let's go to my house," the red haired female says warmly. "After all, I don't live far from here." I roll my eyes as she starts to lead us there.

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