Chapter 22

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My eyes flutter open, as I glance all around. The nurse stands there. "How are you feeling, dear?" She asks. "I would suggest you to to the cafeteria to eat and then meet up with Ms. Faragonda."

I nod. "Yes, ma'am."

I stand up, as my legs start to shake. They must still be still tired from the last time I used them. I glance at her, wondering about everything. "How long have I been out?" I ask, as she chuckles. 

"Almost five days," she states. "Your friends have been worried about you." The doors open, as they burst into the room with concerned looks on their faces. They look as if they had little sleep the past few nights, but I smile upon seeing them.

"Are you feeling better?" Flora questions, as I nod slightly, seeing her exasperated look. "We missed you so much." All of the girls hug me. I smile happily, as looks of pure joy form on their faces.

"I'm thinking we should go to Magicix," Bloom says, as I nod, agreeing with her. "You must be so hungry." My stomach growls, as I start to follow them. The nurse stops me, having a stern look on her face.

"When you return, go meet the headmistress," she says strictly, as I nod. "She wants to discuss some matters with you." I sigh, being worried about getting in trouble. I meet the other girls, as they gaze at me.

"Is everything okay?" Stella asks, as I nod. "Come on then. Let's go to Magicix!" Once we get to Magicix, we sit at a table and eat some food. As much as I didn't want to eat, I was starving and munching down on everyone's food.

"Yeah, and she was totally cheating," Bloom said. "I undid the spell, and her true form was revealed." I chuckle, being happy for them. I couldn't believe this happened to them when I was gone.

"Adding to that, we helped some nymphs," Musa said, and I nod happily. "I—" It was getting dark, as I glance at the girls, nodding. I stare at the ground, feeling sort of sad. I have to go to the headmistress' office, and I'm not sure if I'm in trouble or not.

"I have to talk to the head mistress," I say, seeing their worried looks. "We need to get back." They nod, before we got on the next trip back to Alfea. For the whole trip, it was completely quiet.

As soon as we return to Alfea, I hurry to Ms. Faragonda's office, being filled with concern. I knock on the door, as my heart hammers within my chest. "Come in," her voice rings. I open the door, as she turns to stare at me.

"Y-Yes, headmistress?" I say, as my voice shakes a little bit. "You called for me?" She sighs, resting her hands on the table and eyeing me carefully. Worry forms in the pit of my stomach, as she stares at me for a moment.

"I'm just curious," she states, studying me. "How does such a young fairy know such a powerful spell?" I scratch the back of my head, staring at the ground for a moment, as my cheeks begin to flush.

"My mom taught me to spy on people with the orb, and I was learning how to use it," I say, as she purses her lips in concentration. "Do you know any other spells with it?" She intently stares at me for a moment, as I lower my head.

"Your mom is Maris, isn't she?" Ms. Faragonda asks, as I nod lightly. "I understand.." I meet her gaze, as a worried look forms on her face. Is she hiding something? I frown, knowing that she's hiding something.

"Do you know what happened to my parents?" I ask, as she looks at me. "If so, please tell me." Ms. Faragonda stares at the ground, looking extremely nervous.

She sighs. "They went on an important mission to the lost world of Domino and never returned," she states, lowering her head in dismay. "I don't know where exactly in Domino, but—" I narrow my eyes at her.

"Now, I can go to Domino and find my parents," I say in determination. She glares at me, before shaking her head no. I gape in horror, as she crosses her arms. "I said no!" She orders, as tears form in my eyes.

"Alright.." I say sadly, before walking back to the dorm, seeing the winx in their bedrooms, packing all of their stuff to go home. Maybe, I should stay here. The more I go home, the more sad I get. What am I supposed to do now?

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