Chapter 12

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Days passed, and we've learned a lot. I have enjoyed the lessons so much. The most gross one was done in a swamp, and we had to figure out the voice of nature. I admit it. It was fun, and we helped the specialist guys become a team once more.

As for now, we are cooking home made food. On earth, I had a lot of practice cooking, but I still hated it. "Ugh, after this, I am eating out every night," Musa complains, as I chuckle to myself. I just wish Stella would of been chosen with us, but she had something important to do.

"Watch and learn!" I state, going by step to step directions to make pizza. All of them do the same, making pizza along with me. In the end, the pizza tasted great. The chef came in, eyeing us carefully. "What is that?" He demands, as Bloom gives him some.

"It tastes delicious," he says, as I nod lightly. "I will serve this to everyone. Thank you so much for helping!" Flora cheers, as the door swings wide open. Stella walks into the room, having a bright smile on her face.

"Guess what!?" She states cheerfully. "Prince Sky is taking me out tonight, and we going out on a date to the Black Lagoon!" I smile, being super happy for her. At least she's not a hopeless romantic like me.

"That's awesome, Stella!" Flora exclaims, clapping her hands. Bloom nods in agreement, while Tecna forces a smile. "I need your help," Stella proclaims. "I don't know what to wear."

She leads us to her closet, looking at all of her dresses. "How about this red dress?" I ask, as she eyes me carefully. "Looking red and hot." She scrunches her brows and shrugs her shoulders, feeling uncertain about it.

"What about this black dress?" Flora asks, and Stella gasps in horror. "Nice and elegant." I intently stare at the dress, not loving it. To me, it looks like a dress that you would wear to a funeral.

"I think this looks nice," Bloom says, holding a dress. It was super pretty, and I longed for a dress like that. It was a casual, blue dress with sleeves on it. "Yes, I choose that one," Stella says happily. "Thank you girls so much!"

Adding to that, she puts on some accessories, before taking off her ring. "The ring is too much," she murmurs, as I study her. This doesn't feel right. I furrow my eyebrows in concentration, wondering what was going to happen.

"Stella, I have a bad feeling about this," I say in a serious tone. "Something's up." She rolls her eyes, before putting on her shoes. Soon enough, she was walking out of Alfea.

"Aqua, don't worry," Bloom says in a reassuring tone. "She will be fine." I stare at the ground, wondering if she actually would be fine. I yawn along with the rest of the girls, as we head to bead. The other girls fell fast asleep. I look at my ceiling, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach.

"Magic orb!" I say, as the orb lights up. "Magic orb, I command you to show me Stella." The orb shows me Stella at a place, waiting for Sky. I guess I was wrong. Perhaps, my gut feeling was wrong. Wrong.

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