Chapter 26

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It has been an extremely hard week of school. We had so many hard assignments. For instance, the hardest assignment we had was the pop quiz where Wiguise tested if we would cheat to score a high mark on a quiz.

As for right now, I was completely exhausted. It seems as if the whole school week drained me. I sighed, closing my eyes and hoping that I would be asleep right away. That's when I heard screaming from the other side of the dorm. I jump up, running to the sound of the screaming.

In her bedroom, Stella holds a pillow, seemingly panicked. "Stella, you okay?" Bloom asks in a worried tone. All of us were here, being super concerned for her. Flora looked super nervous, as I meet her gaze.

"It was more than a nightmare," Stella explains, scrunching her eyebrows. "I-I felt as if I was being watched." I sigh, thinking of countless things that I could do.

"Stella, call us if there is something wrong," Bloom says. I stare at her, having a bad feeling. Something just feels off. "I'm not so sure," I whisper to Flora, as she shrugs her shoulders.

As I head back to my bedroom, I couldn't sleep. Something is definitely wrong. That's when I heard screaming once more. This time, it was Tecna and Musa. I sprint into the room, seeing a monster standing on top of the wall.

"Magic orb, I command you to give me some light," I order, as the creature noticeably stares at me. "Tell me the name of it." I gasp in horror. It was a Neruman, whose only purpose was to give people horrible nightmares and keep them awake.

I quickly ran out of the room, looking for my friends. Right then, I found Bloom. She looks exhausted, obviously having not much sleep either. "Bloom, the monster is a Neruman," I say, as she eyes me carefully.

"A Neruman?" A voice comes from behind me. Flora stands there. She looks frightened. "I will check my database for Neruman," Tecna said, with a nervous look on her face. "See you girls soon."

Musa walks into the room, looking all around curiously. "Girls, I will talk to the headmistress and see what she can do," I say, as they nod. Bloom steps in, joining me almost immediately.

"Then, we can grab some coffee," she adds, as I nod thankfully. She's correct. We definitely need some coffee. If not, then we would be completely dead tired. "The headmistress should be our main focus," I say sharply.

We walk into the room, as Ms. Faragonda stares at us. "Headmistress, we have an issue," I say, as she studies us. She arches a brow, as worry forms within me. What if she thinks we are lying about this?

"What is it, Aqua?" She asks. I frown, staring at the ground nervously. Bloom shifts uncomfortably. "N-None of us got any sleep because we have been attacked by a Neruman," I say, as her eyes widen.

"A Neruman?" She repeats. "I don't understand." I sigh heavily, before summoning my magic orb and showing her what I saw last night. Her eyes widen in horror, as she looks at us for a moment.

"Do you know what we are supposed to do?" Bloom questions. She furrows her eyebrows in concentration, clenching her fists on the table. "Pretend to be asleep, and lead the monster to me," she instructs. "I know how to handle these types of monsters."

I nod. "Yes, ma'am."

She stares at us for a long moment. "I would suggest you drink a lot of coffee," she said, raising her eyebrows. I look over at Bloom, nodding. Adding to that, she said, "be safe tonight, girls." And, within seconds, we left the room, being prepared to drink down some coffee.

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