Chapter 14

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The dorm looks terrifying. I nervously exchange a look with Bloom, before sighing. "I can't believe she destroyed our dorm," I say angrily. I sigh, hoping she wasn't able to go into my room. This morning, I put extra locks on my door to prevent Stella from getting in there.

We walk all around, and I gave a huge sigh of relief to see my door untouched. I open the door, feeling relieved that she was unable to go inside. Shutting the door, I follow Bloom into Musa's and Tecna's room, as the door shuts behind us.

"Bloom, give me my ring," she demands, as I glower my eyes at her. "Now." Bloom seems fearful, but I was furious. Furious that Stella was treating us like this, and furious that we were just acting like pushovers.

"That's enough, Stella!" I snap, glaring at her. "I'm sick and tired of you treating us like crap. I'm done! It's time for us to end this and battle it out!" She smirks, before firing a powerful spell at me, trapping me inside of it, and destroying my favorite outfit.

The spell surrounds me, hurting like hell. I couldn't handle this anymore. I scream, as cuts and bruises start to form on my body. My entire body burns, as I feel like I'm on fire. Weakly, I choke out, "Magic winx: Aqua."

The water makes the spell go away, as relief forms in the pit of my stomach

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The water makes the spell go away, as relief forms in the pit of my stomach. "Ugh.." Stella scoffs, as a powerful spell shrouds her as she jumps through the window. I gasp in horror, feeling very light headed. My legs became wobbly, as I start stumble to the ground, before Bloom catches me.

"Here, let me set you down," Bloom says softly, before helping me over to the couch. "Here's some water." I drink the water, still feeling very dizzy. After a few drinks of water, I release my transformation and notice that my outfit is torn to shreds.

"I will kill her for that," I say coldly, making an effort to stand up. "I will get her for that." I grab a blanket, covering myself up. I sigh heavily, before jumping into the shower. Throughout the shower, I was regaining my energy.

Was that really Stella? I never would of thought she would burn any clothes. She really likes clothes, and that isn't something she would do. "Magic orb, I demand you to show me Stella," I order, looking into the orb.

Instead of showing me the Stella from earlier, my orb shows me Stella all tied up. Her mouth was gagged, and she was struggling against her restraints. She was only amusement to Icy's entertainment. I gasp in horror. How can this be true? If Stella is in danger, then who was here with us?

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