Chapter 17

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I sigh, getting dressed in my usual attire. When Darcy destroyed my favorite outfit, I found a new outfit. Today was different. Instead of being a good day for me, I am constantly reminded that my parents are missing.

When my parents went missing, my aunt and uncle accepted the duties of the kingdom until they returned, or until my brother or I got of age. I sigh, glancing at myself in the mirror.

I frown, walking out of my bedroom

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I frown, walking out of my bedroom. No one was there. I knew that I was completely alone, until Bloom steps out of her room. "Hey, Bloom," I say, as she anxiously glances at me. "What are you doing for today?"

She shrugs. "Nothing much," she murmurs, studying me. "Why aren't you with your mom?" I sigh, holding back the tears in my eyes. Shaking my head, I try to erase the memory of my parents going on an important mission and never returning.

"They're missing.." I say in a defeated tone. "They have been missing for a few years now, and—" My voice cracks as I remember everything that we did together. Part of the reason I prefer to work alone is because I'm afraid they will go missing as well.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she says, giving me a hug. I cry in her arms, spotting Stella and Musa walking towards us. "Hey, Bloom, Aqua," Stella states, staring at us for a moment. "Let's go get some delicious breakfast."

I nod lightly. In a sense, Stella could always make us feel better. She has this amazing sense of humor, and I really cherish it. "Let's do it," I say, following them to the tables. The food appears, and I start to munch down on some food.

"Are we just going to mope around all day?" Stella exclaims, trying to look more cheerful. It was quite obvious that she was upset about something. "Stella, is everything okay?" I question, as she glares at me. "You can tell us anything."

"O-Okay.." She mumbles, lowering her head. "My parents are divorced, and this day is just super sad for me." I stare at her in surprise. At that moment, I felt bad for her. Musa continues to stare at her food, resting her head on her hand.

"To be honest, my mom passed a long time ago," she admits, as tears stream down her cheeks. "That's why I don't celebrate this day.." I wrap my arms around her, being the one right next to her. Stella gently takes one of her hands, while Bloom takes her other one.

Her tears dry up, as she stares at the table. "You want to come to the ball with us tonight?" Stella asks, trying to lighten the mood. Musa shakes her head, as I place my hand on her shoulder.

"I guess the rest of us are going," I say, nodding in Bloom's direction. "Bye, Musa." Musa waves good bye. I stare at the ground, wondering where my parents could be. Could they be in the omega dimension with other dangerous criminals?

After a long trip to Magicix, we were with the guys. Stella and Sky were kissing, Bloom and Brandon were admiring them kissing, and I was annoyed about all of it. Who actually gives a real care about love and finding romance?

Wait, why am I even here? I glance at the hot headed guy, as he rolls his eyes. "Can we get going already!?" The hot head demands, as I cross my arms. I honestly don't know what Musa sees in him. She's too good for him.

"Nobody asked you," I retort, as he glowers his eyes at me. "If they want to suck each other's faces off, then let them do it." Surprisingly, his face softens, as I roll my eyes, feeling slightly nervous.

"You're cute," he chuckles, as I wonder if I just misheard him. "You want to be my cheerleader for today?" I ponder on the idea, hoping it wouldn't harm Musa too much. Maybe, I could improve her chances with him and help them get together.

"Uhh, sure?" I say, shrugging my shoulders. "So, Riven, what do you think of Musa?" He studies me, thinking about it clearly. I wink at Stella, as she nods in approval. I purse my lips, hoping this would work for Musa's sake.

"Um, she's cute.." He hums, as his cheeks flare up. I smile, knowing that's the perfect answer. "That's awesome," I state. "Do you like her?" He freezes in surprise. I bet he never expected a question like that, but in the end, he has to answer it. Hmmm, I wonder how he's going to answer that.

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