Chapter 19

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I would try sleeping, but constantly failed. Ever since the day of the rose, it has been terrible. Everyone views fairies differently, and I have been doing that I can to change that. A knock comes from my door, as I jump in surprise.

"H-Hello?" I ask, as the door opens. Flora stands there, having Stella by her side. Flora looks worried while Stella looks exhausted. "Trouble sleeping?" Flora asks, as I nod slightly. "Follow us. It's an emergency."

I stand up, being prepared for the Trixs to be here. "I'm coming," I say strictly. "Stella, wake up Tecna and Musa." Flora sighs, dragging both of us in there. In the bedroom, Bloom was talking in her sleep, transforming and then turning back to normal constantly.

"I'm so worried.." Flora said, suggesting things to do. Stroking my chin, I wonder what to do. If this effects Bloom in a bad way, we need to do something. "Bloom.." I say softly, waking her up. Her eyes open softly, as she stares at us.

"W-What?" She asks tiredly. "Is school starting?" I shake my head no, as she puts the pillow on her face. I glance at Flora, shrugging my shoulders. What am I supposed to do? "I'm going back to bed," I say, as Bloom stares at me.

Once I get to my bedroom, I get in bed and fall fast asleep. Within seconds, my eyes were open, and the light of the sun was shining through the window. I stretch my stiff arms, hurrying to find my outfit for the day. I ponder on what to wear today when I see my favorite outfit and put it on.

I walk out of my bedroom, as Musa listens to music

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I walk out of my bedroom, as Musa listens to music. "Hey, Musa," I say, as she smiles. "Whatcha listening to?" She puts an earbud in my ear. I smile, being at ease with the music.

"Do you like it?" She questions, as I nod. After we listen to the song, she puts the music away and stares at me for a moment. The doors suddenly open, as Flora and Bloom head out of their room, seemingly terrified.

"What's wrong?" I ask nervously, as Bloom stares at me with wide eyes. "Are you okay?" Musa stands up along with me, as Bloom stares at the ground for a moment.

"Stella accidentally drank one of my potions," Flora states. "It's been making her act extremely rude." Rude, huh? I sigh, wondering about how bad it could be. Could it really be that bad?

"I will find her, and try to talk some sense into her," I say, as Flora gives me a sympathetic look. I head into Stella's room, noticing the clothes thrown everywhere. "What are you doing in my bedroom?" Stella grumbles, eyeing me carefully.

"U-Um, we are all worried about you, Stella," I say softly, as she rolls her eyes in annoyance. "Please.." She stares at me, laughing hysterically. Did this potion make her go mentally insane? If so, then I'm gravely concerned because she's not herself.

"Ugh, and since when did I ever care about your opinion?" She states, with a smirk on her face. I arch a brow, as she glares at me. I walk towards her, as she chuckles to herself. "You asked for it!" I proclaim angrily. "Sleep."

Stella jumps out of the way, pushing me towards my own spell. I gasp, inhaling the sleeping dust, before falling fast asleep.

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