Chapter 11

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We hurry outside of the room, looking for the gifts that were cursed by the Trixs. "Oh no," Flora states. "They are already passing them out." I exchange a look with Stella, before nodding lightly. She twirls a blonde strand around her fingers, anxiously biting her lips.

"Guys, take each other's hands," she commands, as I take Musa's and Bloom's hands. "Repeat after me. Let it Once was, let it be again." I nod, repeating that. I remember that spell from Wiguise's class.

It was an unique spell, being very powerful. The gifts turn into a pretty color, as smiles form on our faces. "Oh, yeah," Bloom recalls, as I look at her. "Stella, they set this up to get their hands on your ring."

Stella heaves a sigh, rolling her eyes in annoyance. Sky came over, handing Stella a gift. "I have an idea!" Flora states, taking the gift. She concentrates super hard, doing a switching spell. I nod happily, knowing she was paying attention in class.

"Now, Bloom, go and get dressed," orders Stella. Bloom nods slowly. I sigh, remaining there. The rest of the girls went into the cafeteria. I concentrate, making my magic orb appear. As long as I have this orb, I can spy on anyone.

If what Bloom said is true and the Trixs are here, then I need to see for myself. "Magic orb, I command you to show me the Trixs," I command, as the Trixs come into view. "Umm, now show me Bloom." Bloom was chasing after Stella's jewelry, as I roll my eyes. "Tch. That stupid girl," I groan.

Although I know what Flora did, Bloom didn't. I have to go after her. This is very important. I race outside of the school, as Bloom heads towards the trees. "Bloom!" I call, but she is unable to hear me.

She catches Stella's ring box, before turning around and starting to head back to the school. That's when the Trixs appear behind her, looking absolutely furious. "Hey!" Icy shouts. I put away my magic orb, knowing that I have to assist Bloom to the best of my ability.

"Leave her alone!" I yell, glaring at Icy. "Now." She smirks, eyeing me carefully. As annoying as it maybe, I had to do something. "Aqua, how did you figure this out?" Bloom asks, as I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"Never mind that," I say, standing in front of Bloom. "Aqua: Magic winx!" My form immediately shifts, as I transform into a fairy.

I smirk in their direction, as they glare at me

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I smirk in their direction, as they glare at me. "I won't let you hurt her," I say viciously, clenching my fists in rage. "Bloom, run." Stormy fires some lightning at me, but I block it with a shield.

"No, I won't leave you," Bloom states, as I groan in annoyance. "You're my friend. I won't do that. If you will fight them, then I will fight them too!" I raise my eyebrows in astonishment, as an energy starts to come from her.

This strangely powerful energy came from her, as I furrow my eyebrows in concentration. "I-I did it!" She exclaims, as the energy slightly decreases. "Now, it's even." I nod in her direction, being genuinely happy for her. Now, we don't have to constantly protect her.

"Lets defeat them, Bloom!" I yell, as she nods in response. "Water sword!" A giant, water sword appears in my hand, as I race towards the Trixs and slice at them. Icy freezes the sword, making it shatter into many pieces.

That's when electricity hits me in the back, knocking me to the ground. "Aqua!" Bloom yells. I try to stand up, but Stormy continues to electrocute me. Even throughout the pain, I continue to show no emotion.

Bloom tries to fight them on her own, but she was sent into the bushes. The Trixs disappear into thin air, as I find Bloom, having an aching feeling in my stomach. I return to normal, feeling strangely tired.

"Bloom, you okay?" I ask, as she forces herself to stand up

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"Bloom, you okay?" I ask, as she forces herself to stand up. "Oh, I'm so glad." I hug her, as the other winx club girls sprint towards us. Stella and Flora support Bloom, while Musa and Tecna turn towards me. "Are you okay?" Musa asks, as Tecna intently stares at me. "We saw that you were electrocuted."

I shrug my shoulders, showing them the side of my stomach, which was badly bruised. "That seems like it hurts," Flora says sympathetically. "Here, let me heal it." I nod lightly, as she places her hand on my stomach. A warm feeling comes from her hands, and within seconds, it was healed.

A little while later, all of us were dancing in the cafeteria and having the best time of our lives. In the past, I would hate spending time with Stella, but as for now, it's not that bad.

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