Chapter 36

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The battle wasn't in our favor. The ice monsters continue to come back, and Bloom's ice weapons ended up melting after a few minutes, which means she was rendered defenseless. I couldn't do any strong spells because I didn't want to hurt Bloom.

My magic was the complete opposite of Bloom's. It would really hurt her, and we couldn't risk that. "Water shield," I say, creating a shield around Bloom and I. Maybe, I should go all out and see if anything protects Bloom.

"We can't hold them off forever," Stella says weakly. "How is it going down there?" I nod, as the shield continues to drain my energy. This time, I'll keep the shield going no matter what.

If I release my spell, then I'll eventually regret it. Bloom will be in danger, and it would be my fault. "Aqua, let me protect Bloom for a little while," Tecna states, making a shield around Bloom.

"We need to keep fighting," I say sharply, feeling slightly drained. All of a sudden, a creature races towards me. Before it could reach me, a specialist weapon destroys it, as my brother comes into view.

"Now, we're even," he says, as I roll my eyes in annoyance. "Let's defeat them." I nod, looking at Tecna. As Sky jumps down to protect Bloom, she releases the shield. Brandon comes in as well, as a smile etches on my face.

At that moment, an eye comes from the hole in the ceiling. "What is that thing!?" I demand, shooting a glare at Alex. "Specialists, protect Bloom. Come on, Winx!" They follow me, as I head straight towards the monster.

"I don't know, but it's attacking us!" Stella shrieks, glaring at it. The monster roars at her, as she flinches fearfully. "Perhaps, I could freeze this thing," I suggest, attempting to freeze the monster.

Instead of successfully freezing the monster, the monster was launched backwards, clearly being effected by my spell. "It's my turn!" Tecna yells, glaring at the monster. "Techno net!" She catches the monster in her net, as a smile forms on Flora's face.

"Yay, it's my turn!" She squeals. "Deadly pollen!" Dark colored pollen flies over to the monster. The creature roars furiously, not yet being killed. "We have to weaken it!" Musa declares. "Sound beams!"

Two giant radios appear besides the giant animal, obviously harming him. "Now, for the final touch!" Stella states, as I nod. "Light of the sun of Solaria!" The light hits the beast head on, as it falls backwards and disappears into thin air.

I cheer happily. Soon enough, we were back on the Red Fountain hover-ship. My transformation fades, as I return to my normal clothes.

I smile once we return to Alfea

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I smile once we return to Alfea. It was nice to be back. Now, we can relax for a little bit. "I think we should see what Ms. Faragonda wants us to do," Bloom states, as I nod in agreement.

"Okay!" I declare, before leading the rest of the winx to Ms. Faragonda's office. She looks startled to see us. "Hello, winx," she says calmly, as I smile. "I'm glad that you returned safely. I want Bloom, Stella, and Aqua to go to Cloud Tower to get back the dragon flame."

I stare at her in alarm. I never thought she would send us to Cloud Tower. Especially like this. "And, why would we do that?" I ask, as Musa nods in agreement. Ms. Faragonda sighs heavily, before intently staring at us.

"Aqua, we need Bloom back in commission," she explains, as I roll my eyes in annoyance. "She needs to get her powers back. As for the specialists, we'll have Sky, Brandon, and Riven going."

"I'm not sure," I say hesitantly, recalling the last time this group went out. We got into big trouble at Magicix and regretted it. "Also, bring the ogre," the headmistress adds, as I sigh nervously.

Perhaps, she is right. We need to get Bloom's flame back. That would be very sufficient to our success, and without Bloom, there would be no winx.

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