Chapter 1: Catching feelings

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First chapter xx hope you guys enjoy!!! In this story Forth is one year older than Pha, Kit and Beam :)

"P'kit!" Someone shouted from behind me. I didn't even need to turn around to look at who it was to know that it was Ming who had called my name.

I signed, stopping briefly to let him catch up to me.

"What is it?" I huffed bitterly. His smile seemed to waver a little at my harsh tone, however it was back within seconds.

"Lets have lunch together."

I rolled my eyes and carried on walking away from my damned university entrance.

Of course he followed me.

"What do you say P?" He questioned, matching my pace beside me.

"No. I'm busy," was the only answer I gave.

"But I'm sure you don't have a lesson now, right P?" He pestered.

I looked at him, stopping in my movement, had he memorized my whole time table? I shook my head, not wanting to think about it, as my heart fluttered weirdly at the thought.

"Just because I don't have a lesson that doesn't mean I'm not busy!" I shouted, not necessarily angry at him.

"Where are going to do then?" He challenged. Was he still not getting the hint? This kid!

"That's for me to know and you not to." I bit out, pushing him out of the way. "Now go to class or something!" I shouted, carrying on walking.

"But P I don't have any classes!" I heard him shout back from behind me.

"Then go home!"

"I want to go out to eat though." He was suddenly beside me again.

"Then go eat." I stopped yet again.

"I want to eat with you." Came his answer instantly.

I looked at him with a glare and was met with his huge puppy eyes watching me closely. I shivered. Why was my heart suddenly beating so fast? Was this feeling normal? Was I sick? That was probably it!

"Look Ming," I started, purposely avoiding his eyes, "I'm not hungry right now, so go eat by yourself or with your friends."

"You're not hungry now?" He beamed, "that's okay P, I can wait till you are. Then we can go eat together."


"Aww why not KitKat?"

"Don't call me that!"

"But I like calling you that."

"But I don't like you calling me that."

"Then what do you want me to call you?"

"Nothing!" I burst out suddenly, getting strange looks from students passing by us. My cheeks heated at the attention. Is this how people would look at me if I had a boyfriend? Would they snigger at me if they knew I was gay? My heart dropped suddenly at the thought. I suddenly felt sad.

"Don't call me anything." I lowered my voice to a whisper.

It was quiet between us then. Ming just followed next to me aimlessly, though I had no idea where I was heading. I was supposed to have taken a right turn to head to my room, however my feet had moved straight, carrying me right past it.

I didn't give it second thought, my mind suddenly wanting me to go for walk. I hadn't done that in a while. Most of my time was spent either in my room revising over papers or sitting in never ending lessons about human biology. Fun.

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