Chapter 1 - "Those chains are stronger than you could ever be, and so am I..."

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Chapter 1
"Those chains are stronger than you could ever be, and so am I..."

Your POV:

You wake from a deep sleep, head pounding. The floor seemed to sway underneath you as you balance on your knees. You shut your eyes for a few moments, pushing away the dizziness. When you open them again, you look around the room. 

A cold dark room, concrete floors, and walls, only a small beam of moonlight shining through a long rectangular window. After looking around for a few moments, you peer down to your own body, your black tank top ripped through across your chest and stomach. Claw marks, but from what? Bringing your hands up to rub your aching head, you notice you are restricted by shackles on both wrists, chained to the wall. As you realize that something bad has happened, fear creeps through your body and the chill in the room cools you to the bone. A deep voice echos from somewhere in the room, jumping you, scaring you shitless. 

"You've awoken I see... wonderful...," the deep voice hissed. Wide-eyed, your eyes dart around the room "W-who the fuck are you? What did you do to me? Where am I? Let me loose!" you screech angrily. 

"You will find out soon. But, before we move on, there's something I need to do."

Whoever was doing this was horrifying, but the voice was so deep and smooth it made your heart beat faster. He sounded so calm and comforting but evil at the same time. You pull violently at the shackles and chains, pushing against the wall with all your might trying to free yourself.

Impossible, chains like this can't be broken by human force.

The voice comes back in a deep, low laugh. "Giving up that easily, beautiful? Those chains are stronger than you could ever be, and so am I. So be a good girl, and everything will go smoothly." You groan quietly and slump your head. What was this creature going to do to you? 

You look up as a piece of the concrete wall pulls out, making a horrid screeching noise. Dust erupts from the empty place where the wall once was. You squint your eyes, trying to see through the dust. 

A figure stands in the opening. It growls quietly and steps into the moonlight. You yelp and push up against the wall as it comes closer, bearing its fangs and its lips curled with evil, foaming at the mouth. It stepped forward slowly with its big paws, grey-white fur, and long fluffy tail. 

You had read about wolves, but never ones this big and evil looking. Hell, you've never even seen a wolf in real life. It takes a few steps forward and stops, growling, and snapping its jaws. You push up against the wall as best as you can, tears streaming down your face due to the dust cloud that forced its way into your eyes. Going against your normal approach of being snappy, you whine and beg: "Please don't let it hurt me please please I'll do anything please...," in hopes of guilting your captor. 

The voice echos through the walls again, denying your plead. "You have no choice. You look pathetic, crying shackled and cold on the floor. He's only going to give you one little nibble..." 

The wolf steps toward you again, pausing for a moment, then in an instant, it lunges toward you. Letting out a yelp, you cross your arms over your face to protect yourself. The teeth of the strong animal wrap around your left arm and it bites down hard. You let out a chilling scream of pain as the wolf digs its teeth deeper into your flesh, ripping your skin so you bleed. After a moment, the wolf lets go and backs away slowly before running back through the door. 

You sit there for a moment, breathing heavily before looking at the bite and whimpering in pain. After a few seconds, a burning sensation crawls up your arm and to the back of your left shoulder. You cry out, tears running down your face rapidly. 

"It hurts! It FUCKING HURTS!" 

Your arm and shoulder burn like fire and your vision goes blurry. 

The last thing you see before passing out is a man hovering over you, tall and handsome. But his eyes, they were like black shining marbles placed into his skull. 

"Goodnight beautiful."

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now