Chapter 36 - Forgive Me

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Chapter 36

Forgive Me

Narrator POV:

They made their way into the bedroom, Dark carrying (Y/N) the rest of the way. He sat her down on the foot of the bed softly, and they smiled at each other with content. Dark helped her by sifting through the many outfits in the closet. She wanted to wear a cute outfit, but Dark suggested she wait until she was able to walk. She would be falling asleep again soon anyways. Reluctantly, (Y/N) agreed to a t-shirt and shorts.

Taking her towel, he helped her to dry off. She held tight to it for a moment, a smile on her face. Dark rolled his eyes, ripping it out of her hands when she wasn't looking. She stuck her tongue out at him, and Dark let out a laugh in response. Unable to resist the sight of her beauty, he once again pinned her gently against the bed, his lips attacking the sweet spot on her neck. She whimpered at his touch, hissing out: "C-cut it out, Dark. I can't take it when you tease me like this," attempting a stern tone.

Reluctantly, Dark pulled away with a sly smile on his face. She rolled her eyes at him, returning his smile. He continued on his mission, taking the soft towel and drying her body. After she was dry, he allowed her to dress her upper half herself. Against his lustful mood and strong urges, he managed to pull himself together enough to help her wiggle into her undergarments.

He sat in front of her on his knees, his big hands gently guiding one of her feet into the leg of her shorts. After a moment, he paused and looked up to her, his smile fading. Concern took over her face, and he let out a heavy sigh.

"I was just thinking... I'm sorry for... for what I did before I got to know you."

"What do you mean?" She questioned, confused by the guilty tone of his voice.

"When I brought you here, for those first months... I got angry with you, I threatened you, I scared you by teleporting around, I...-" He let out a deep breath "- I touched you when I shouldn't have. That was so wrong of me, (Y/N). I'm sorry for what I did," he confessed.

She nodded, thinking back to the first few months.

Dark was right.

Though he had been nice to her, he had also been fairly cruel in some aspects. She was alone for the most part, but at the same time, she always felt as though he was near. The mansion frightened her, but for whatever reason, also made her feel safe. When Dark got snappy with her, that gave her the chance to snap back. In a way, his anger had started to nurse her back to a healthy mind. 

At home, (Y/N) knew that if she raised her voice she would end up with bruises. With Dark, she knew that the fighting would only be raising voices at each other. She was able to get out her anger and her sadness through him. His threats were empty, and she knew that. That's why she kept pushing. All of the emotion she had built up over the years from her shitty home life was finally released.

Though Dark had frightened her and made her severely paranoid from all the jump-scares, something about him was gentle. She disliked the way he touched her, but something about the way he did it put her at ease. She had never had that type of physical comfort in her life. He was gentle, careful, and, similar to the anger and threats, something in the back of (Y/N)'s mind told her that he had no intention of hurting her.

She closed her eyes, thinking about their first intimate moments together. He played nice, he was eager but gentle. She remembered when the others had shown up. How he was hovering over her, protecting her, how he growled at them: "If you hurt her I'll fucking kill you...". His eyes faded to blue, and his body flinched as he poked the needle into her skin. It killed him to do that to her, and she could see it in his eyes.

"You never intended to hurt me, Dark. And you never did. I learned to trust that you would never lay a hand on me violently, and you never have. That's part of how I knew it wasn't you, it was Anti. If you were actually on Anti's side, you would have hurt me, physically, much earlier on."

Dark nodded, taking in her words. She was right, yet again.

The smile appeared back on her face until she sighed, shifting around where she sat. He placed a hand on her knee gently forcing her to look into his eyes. She shrugged her shoulders, taking in a breath.

"I just still don't understand how you can forgive me so easily," she admitted.

Dark rolled his eyes, placing a hand onto her thigh. Even after reassuring her that having her time with Mark was okay, she still allowed that guilt to loom over her.

"I wasn't there when you needed me the most. Although it is pretty much Mark's fault I was gone, he was there to protect you with his life, and he cared for you greatly," Dark explained, "I made mistakes too, so it is my fault also, but we have apologized and gone through this with each other. If I had returned to find that you had fallen for Mark and that he was your choice, though I would be heartbroken, I would learn to accept it. Mark is a wonderful person, and I would be content knowing that you were safe with him."

"But I didn't choose him," she countered.

Dark let out a quiet laugh, rolling his eyes. "Yes, baby. I know. We already established that."

The smile appeared on her face once again, and she accepted his forgiveness.

Dark continued to dress her, putting on her shorts before lifting her up off the bed. She wrapped her legs around his torso once again, and they made their way to the living room to find Mark.

They passed through the halls, and (Y/N) noted that many of the beautiful paintings had fallen off of the walls. She looked up to Dark, and he shrugged his shoulders reading the question on her face. "I got upset when Dr. Iplier said you might not make it," he stated. She let out a giggle, shaking her head.

"That's not exactly an excuse for you to wreck the place."

"Of course it is," he retorted, "I almost lost you and I was upset."

"So... you wanted to ruin the paintings that I love?"

His lips spread into a grin and he shrugged his shoulders again. "I don't know, I was just so upset in the moment that I didn't want any happy reminders."

(Y/N) nodded, understanding his point of view. They continued down the hall and down the staircase, Bleiz appearing behind them seemingly out of nowhere as he always did. When they made it to the living room, all of the Ipliers had risen from their seats on the couch.

Dark set her onto the floor gently, holding her up by her hips. He attempted to hold her upright, but she insisted on kneeling down to Bleiz's level. Bleiz padded over to her and sat down, and her hands caressed his face as she kissed his nose, praising him for his tracking skills, bravery, and overall good boy-ness. She swooned over him for a few moments, and his tongue hung lazily out of his mouth as he enjoyed the affection.

Unable to lift herself up off of the ground, Dark laced his arms under hers, lifting her up gently. She made her way slowly over to the other Ipliers, and, against Dark's jealous nature, he allowed each Iplier to embrace her for a few moments. They all hugged her tightly, reminding her again how happy they were to have her safe.

Finally, she had made it to Mark who embraced her quickly, and tightly. She wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled into his neck for a moment before whispering to him that they had to talk, and it would be best to do so in the library. He looked up to Dark who stared at him from across the room, and Mark's smile dissolved slowly as she pulled away.

"We're going to go discuss something real quick. We will be back," (Y/N) announced to the others. The others nodded, and (Y/N) turned back to Mark, wrapping her arm around his neck, signaling that she needed his help. Mark scooped her up, holding her bridal style. Dark being Dark, he let out a huff and glared at Mark. (Y/N) shot Dark a glare, and he huffed again but accepted her silent warning.

As Mark moved passed him and towards the library, she softly touched Dark's arm. He turned to her, and she motioned for him to join his brothers in the living room. With an eye roll, he stepped into the living room and sat down on the couch with his brothers.

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now