Chapter 22 - Music To My Ears (XXX)

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Chapter 22

Music To My Ears

Your POV:

(Continue the music to this chapter if you'd like)

The gentle sway of Dark's body and his elegant moves numbed my senses. The music beat on quietly, the rhythm following our beating hearts. I was in such ecstasy I couldn't even tell how we had gone from dancing in front of the moon to a large king-sized bed in a motel room.

The dim light of the lamp on the bedside table shined against his skin as he pulled off his jacket and shirt quickly, throwing them to the ground, followed by his pants, boxers, and shoes. I breathed gently as I felt his dull fingernails scratching against my skin as he tugged at my pants and undies. I giggled quietly as his rapid movement, obviously eager to get my clothes off.

Dark crawled up my body, his hands exploring under my shirt until his fingers grasped at the clasp on my bra and snapped it apart. I moaned quietly as his lips connected to my neck, finding my sweet spot easily. Dark yanked off my top and bra, throwing them across the room before leaning down to kiss me.

"It's time to reclaim what is mine...," He growled against my lips. 

I pushed him away gently, smiling at his confused face. "I've always been yours, stupid," I teased. 

He chuckled quietly as he took me by my hips and switching our position. He laid back against the pillows and set me on his torso for a moment. 

"Fuck, baby... You look so good in this position too...," He moaned.

I whined as he lifted me up, his tip prodding against my entrance. My body tensed up as I remembered what would happen after we did this. Out of all things, why did one of the energy transmitters have to be sex?

My hands dropped down to his chest, my nails digging into his skin slightly. 

"Wait, Dark."

 He paused from his movement, looking up to me. 

"What is it, Kitten?" 

I sighed quietly, debating if getting fucked senseless was actually worth my life or not. It was a difficult choice, especially since I was sitting naked on the sexiest man alive. 

"My energy... it's only been three days and I still get tired easily...," I whispered. He laughed quietly, running his tongue over his pearly whites.

I squeaked in surprise as he thrust upwards, into me. My body jolted as my hands went to his biceps, gripping them tightly. 

"Your energy isn't fully restored, but there's enough now that screaming my name all night won't be fatal to you," he explained in a seductive manner, "So feel free to cry out all you want, Kitten. It's music to my ears..."

My body shivered with lust at his words. I whined quietly as he began thrusting. Gently at first, but soon turning into a rougher rhythm. I could feel the energy draining from my body as he continued to thrust. Ripples of pleasure and numbness washed throughout my nerves.

After a few more minutes, almost my whole body was numb except for my core. The lack of energy had made me weak enough to lie down onto Dark's chest. I moaned louder at the new position, biting my lip the best I could to stay quiet. He wrapped his arms around my back tightly, resting his chin on the top of my head.

My nails scratched at his skin as I felt my release start to build up inside me. I looked up at him for comfort, my eyes making contact with his. My body tingled with pleasure as he groaned my name before shutting his eyes tightly, dropping his head back in ecstasy. I returned his call, crying out his name as his thrusts got quicker.

My hands explored his chest, my lips landing on the front of his neck, giving him kisses and hickeys. The pressure in my core was almost painful as I tried to hold back. Dark's nails dug into my skin slightly, dragging them up my back. 

"I know it hurts, baby. I'm so close just hold on a little longer...," He whispered. I nodded, tears stinging at the edges of my eyes.

Soon, his thrusts got sloppier as he groaned out my name, followed by: "Kitten, please. Cum... now..." 

His raspy voice and vulgar words sent me over the edge and into the much-needed release of pleasure. I felt his release inside of me as he thrust in deeply, growling low in his throat.

I blacked out for a few seconds, my head dropping onto his chest. Between the ecstasy and the loss of energy, my body had about given up on me. I came back, my vision slightly blurry. Our sweaty bodies rested against each other as we breathed heavily, catching our breaths. His chest rose and fell gently as he tucked some loose strands of hair out of my face. He rubbed my back gently, soothing the red scratches he left. No matter how he was feeling, it was always his first priority to make sure I was okay.

After a few more minutes, he snapped his fingers and a large blanket appeared on top of us. I moved just enough to be able to look up at him. He smiled down at me, biting his lip before kissing me gently. I wanted to kiss him so badly, but my body was so weak it refused my command. The best I could do was smile up at him weakly.

He whispered,"You were wonderful, (Y/N). I love you, so much." before gently resting my body onto my side. He rolled over onto his side, his chest against my back, his hands wrapping around my body as he spooned me. He rested his chin on my neck, kissing my sweet spot a few times and whispering inaudible things to me. I fell asleep quickly, my body in extreme desperation for energy. 

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now