Chapter 18 - Unexpected Visitor

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Chapter 18

Unexpected Visitor

Your POV:

After Dark's return, I spent the first day following him around the mansion like a lost puppy. I felt guilty now knowing that I couldn't help him escape when he was in the mansion all along, but Dark assured me that there was nothing that could have been done. For the next three nights, Dark and I laid together in his bed, cuddling beneath the covers. I missed him a lot, and it felt so good to have his arms wrapped around me protectively. A feeling of guilt overtook me as I laid across his body, staring intently at him as he attempted to fall asleep.


He opened his eyes and sat up slowly in order for his eyes to meet mine. "Yes, Kitten?" He purred. 

"I- I'm sorry about everything with Mark, I just-"

Dark shook his head, cutting me off. "It's alright, (Y/n). If you can't already tell, I don't really like Mark right now. Or any of them, for that matter. But I am contented to know that you were safe while I was absent. All that matters is that you are here with me now."

I nodded, taking in his words. He smiled down at me, wrapping his arms tighter around me and pulling me into a comforting hug for a few moments before releasing me. He brought his hand up to my chin, tilting my head up to him. He placed a kiss on my forehead gently before looking back into my eyes.

"Come now, you need to get some rest. I'm right here with you," he cooed, laying back down, his arms still wrapped around me. I followed his command, laying my head onto his chest where it had been before. I ran my hands up and down his muscular sides for a few moments, feeling his warm skin. Listening to his steady heartbeat and feeling his arms around me, I fell quickly into a comfortable sleep.


It was around midday when I was in the kitchen making myself a sandwich when Dark rushed in, grabbing my wrist. 

"What, Dark? I'm hungry," I groaned. He chuckled quietly, tugging gently on my wrist. 

"Believe me, you want to see this."

He took my hand in his and led me out to the backyard where all of the Ipliers had gathered around. I stopped next to Mark who smiled at me sweetly. I could feel Dark's jealousy building up beside me.

I took a moment to gather my surroundings and to see where everyone was. I did a headcount at least three times before realizing one of the Ipliers had gone missing.

"Uh... where's The King?" I asked. Mark shrugged his shoulders. 

"I don't know, somewhere around here."

I felt something crawl up my back quickly and stop on my shoulder. My natural reaction was the grab the creature and throw it off my shoulder and to the ground, shrieking and jumping around a little bit as my skin crawled. I hate sneak attacks.

As the creature went flying through the air, I noticed it was a squirrel. As it collided with the ground, it went up into a small cloud of white smoke, leaving behind The King. Everyone stared at him for a second as he sat up, clutching his arm which had hit the ground first. He revealed a cut on his wrist which was slowly starting to bleed. I gasped as I realized what happened.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry are you ok?" I asked King as I met him where he sat, kneeling down to look at his cut. He laughed quietly. 

"Yeah, I'm ok. I guess I shouldn't sneak up on you. You've got one hell of a throwing arm." 

I giggled at his response as the other Ipliers gathered around us. Dr. Iplier knelt down by King and took his wrist. 

"Animal shapeshifting is The King's new power," He stated, "Here, let me show you mine." He pulled a small knife out of his pocket and quickly slit his palm, allowing it to bleed before placing it over The King's cut.

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now