Chapter 15 - Addiction (XXX)

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Chapter 15


Your POV:

He chuckled quietly on my skin, sending vibrations down my throat before pulling away. He stood up, lifting my body with him, my legs still wrapped around his torso and my arms draped over his shoulders.

As quickly and quietly as possible, he raced me up into Dark's room and laid me down gently on the sheets. He crawled over me, staring down at my body hungrily. I blushed deeply, putting my hands over my face. Never in a million years did I think this would happen. This felt like a dream. Yet, here we were. Inches apart and about to get closer.

His hands tugged at my wrists, pulling my hands away from my face. His gentle fingertips unraveled Dark's tie before tossing it off of the bed and out of sight. 

My mind flashed to my night with Dark before I came back to reality quickly. His big brown eyes staring down at me, his hands caressing my body. I couldn't tell the difference between right and wrong. I love Dark, but I love Mark too.

"I feel addicted, baby," he whispered, "you're like a drug." 

My face heated up as I felt his hands tug at the knots on the apron before pulling it away and throwing it over his shoulder. I giggled quietly at his quickness. He had zero patience for games.

Mark unclipped and pulled off my bra before wiggling his fingers through the waistband of my panties and pulling them off in a swift motion. My body shivered at his touch, my womanhood dripping with a newfound lust.

He bit his lip, staring down at my nude body. His brown eyes were almost black with lust and hormones. He leaned down, kissing my neck gently before getting a little rougher. His body pressed against mine as his lips explored my neck. My core trembled, begging for him. I tugged at the top of his boxers, encouraging to take them off. He followed suit and pulled them off, throwing them to the floor.

I moaned as he placed one hand between my legs, teasing me. His fingertips worked gently and precisely, causing my lust to grow with every second. I placed my hand on his wrist at an attempt to push him away. 

He laughed quietly, pulling his hand away. "Too much?"

I shook my head. His eyes twinkled in the moonlight. 

"Too little...," I whispered "Please, Mark...," I begged. He smirked before leaning down and kissing me gently, then pulling away. I closed my eyes, waiting for him.

He rustled around in the bed for a few moments before placing my legs onto his thighs. My breathing slowed as I concentrated on his movements.

I yelped as I felt him push inside me quickly, filling me to the brim. My eyes flashed open, my hands shot up to his back, scratching at his tanned skin. Although I had already had my first time, it still hurt a little bit.

His gentle hands pushed away strands of hair from my face. He looked down at me with concern, his brown eyes filled with worry.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked quietly. I shook my head slowly. 

"N-no you just surprised me, that's all. Just... go easy for a little bit... ok?" Mark nodded in understanding.

I whined, my nails digging deeper into his skin as he gently rolled his hips into mine. He continued thrusting at a gentle rhythm and slowly picking up speed as I became more used to the feeling. His teeth nipped at my neck, leaving little red bites.

Mark groaned deeply as he continued thrusting into me at a faster pace. My body tingled in pleasure from listening to his groans. My body trembled with intense pleasure as I felt him hit my g-spot over and over again. My fingers latched onto him, dragging my nails over his back, trying my best not to hurt him.

He lifted his head up, his brown orbs staring down into mine. 

"I know you're close. Do it... for me, (Y/N)...," He pleaded. The world felt like it stopped spinning. Time seemed to freeze when looking into those eyes. The only focus was on him.

My womanhood convulsed and exploded into pleasure, my body went numb, my vision blurry from the intense climax. The only feeling I had was in my fingers. I traced them gently up his shoulder blades and into his silky black locks.

His lips collided with mine as I started to regain feeling. He pushed deeply into me, growling into my mouth, his lips locked onto mine. I felt his warmth flow into my womanhood, making me let out a muffled cry against his lips.

It felt like the room was spinning as my fingers lost feeling and dropped from his hair to my sides. He pulled out, collapsing on his back next to me. Even after his weakest moment, the strength in his arms remained. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me on top of him, my head resting against his beating heart.

We panted, our sweaty bodies almost melting together after the heat of the moment. One of his large hand gently pushed away at loose strands of my hair while the other rubbed gentle circles onto the low of my back. 

"Easy breaths, beautiful. That was amazing. You're amazing," He whispered, gently placing a kiss onto my forehead.

My body trembled horribly, my blood running cold. Mark quickly pulled the blankets over me and pulled me in as close as possible in an attempt to warm me up.

"M-m-ma-a-rk?" I whispered, my breath so shaky I could barely speak. He placed a hand on the back of my head and the other still on my back, calming me as best he could. 

"I know, I know. Try to sleep, I'll make sure nothing happens to you, (Y/N)," he stated comfortingly.

I nodded weakly, my body starting to drift off into a much-needed sleep.

Before drifting off, I questioned what the extreme weakness could have been from. Even my first time with Dark hadn't made me that tired. Maybe it was from the weed?

My eyes locked shut and my brain shut off before coming to an ultimate conclusion. 

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now