Chapter 12 - Activities

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Chapter 12


Your POV:

It didn't take long until I started to feel empty inside again. Darkiplier was every thought in my mind, no matter what I was doing. 

Most of the time I stayed in Dark's room, lying still beneath the black covers, breathing so slowly someone might think I was dead. It was quiet and peaceful and it smelled of his sharp cologne. The darkness of his room and warmth of the covers comforted me. 

I slept too much some days and slept too little other days. I often woke up screaming from vivid nightmares of Dark being pulled from my grasp, never to be seen again. 

Wilford was often the first one to rush into the room to hold me when I awoke in the night. I kept Dark's note with me always, wrapped around my wrist using his favorite tie that I rarely took off. I spoke almost none and rarely left his room. 

I ate only when Punk brought food to me and waited in the room watching me until I had eaten enough. This became a regular routine. He would do this for every meal, ensuring I was well fed and hydrated, although I felt like dying.

About a week after they had taken Dark away, Mark came into my room in an attempt to make conversation. He told me I had been here for 6 months and 2 days. It was early March, and the beginning of spring though it seemed the time didn't really change here. He left the room with a heavy sigh after receiving no feedback from me. The look on his face was almost disappointed with some sadness mixed in. I wondered how he could be here, not making videos and how everyone wasn't freaking out because he didn't upload. I never bothered to ask, though. I didn't have the energy for words to creep up my throat and voice them self.

After the first week, the Ipliers decided that I needed a change of scenery, and to get out of the bedroom I kept myself captive in. Throughout the next month, they all chose a day to do an activity (an activity of which I had no choice but to participate in). They dragged me out of my chamber whenever possible and we all did the activity together.

The first activity was "a day blindfolded" chosen by The Host. As the name states, we were all blindfolded for a day against our wills. The name of the game was basically to get through the day without falling down the staircase or injuring ourselves severely. It was a game of human bumper cars, and we often slammed into each other. 

Being at the hight I am, my face often met square into the chest of an Iplier. I ran into Mark multiple times, my cheeks blushing as he ran his hands down my arms, apologizing before making his way around me. At one point I ran into Sexyplier who was quick to wrap his arms around my waist and pull me into a one-sided hug. 

"This is kind of fun isn't it, (Y/N)?" 

I rolled my eyes at him, failing to realize he couldn't see my facial expression through the blindfold. 

"I know I enjoy it. It's pretty kinky. I'm sure you like kinky, don't you, beautiful?" 

I didn't even have to see his face to know he was smirking wildly, proud of his dirty remark. I didn't even have to see his face in order to slap him across the cheek hard, muttering "fucker" afterward as he stumbled backward, either. 

The other Ipliers were happy to hear me speak after being silent for a week, even if I said a not so nice word. I was glad to take the blindfold off the next morning. It was good to see again.

The next activity was a day full of gaming in the living room, chosen by Googleplier. I don't remember half of the games we played, but the final game of Mario Kart was my favorite. I'm not the best at gaming, but Mark easily taught me how to play Mario Kart within a few races. After lots of screeching between all of the Ipliers, Warfstache and I were the only ones left alive. Soon I became the ultimate victor of 'Rainbow Road' (after I bumped Wilford off the road and he gave me a silly death stare).

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now