Chapter 5 - Words Words Words

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Chapter 5
Words Words Words

~ 6 months later ~

Your POV:

Days went on like this. His constant seductive stares. His pet names. His neck kisses, ass grabs, ass slaps, sexual touching, the random teleportation, and jump scares, whispering in your ears. You were growing more used to it, expecting it to come, but always flinching at his touch.

He wanted you to cook meals. That was usually his only request unless he wanted you to fetch something for him. After feeding the beast, you would find something different to do. Staying in your bedroom was no fun, so there was no other choice but to explore the house some more. It was huge, to say the least. There were lots of bedrooms and hallways illuminated by chandeliers that hung high from the ceiling. Many little living rooms and reading spaces. A huge library lies at the end of one of the hallways on the first floor. Making a trip to the library to search out a book was the first priority after making breakfast. 

Reading was one of your favorites and always has been. It allowed you to escape from your life and reality. Words are perfect. You have a need for words and collect them as you read. Language is beautiful and you often found yourself writing down the best ones you could find such as 'nyctophilia - the love of darkness or night, finding relaxation or comfort in the darkness'. At first, reading that made you laugh. Such a strange word and a strange definition, but you had to admit that the darkness of these rooms and hallways brought some forms of comfort, knowing that nobody could break through the strong walls of the building. Maybe he was the reason you were feeling this 'nyctophilia'.

The mansion was so big and lifeless except for the two souls living inside. You had lots of alone time, but his presence was always there. The feeling of his dark eyes rolling along your body like a predator stalking its prey was something you felt often.

Although it was overwhelming to be whisked away from your home and your reality to Mark's alter ego's mansion, Dark seemed to understand a little bit. He showed kindness to you like no one else ever had. A kindness that made it creepy, almost too kind sometimes, but always kept his dominance. 

A few nights after the spaghetti dinner, you laid on your bed weeping. Your life at home was a bad one, but it was hard to get used to being taken away from your home without a reason and treated so nicely. Nice treatment wasn't a common thing at home. The same pair of big veiny hands caressed your body as you wept. His face looked of concern and almost anger like he was mad that you weren't happy to be there. I mean, what the hell would he expect? The only reason you hadn't tried to beat the shit out of him is that he could have you begging for mercy in seconds, one way or another.

That, and being treated with kindness was something... different. A nice change compared to how you were treated at home. Although being stuck here wasn't the best, something told you that staying here might be better than going back home. He gave you a sense of safety somehow. 

A deep sigh fell over him as he teleported away, returning soon with bags filled with your belongings from home. You rose from your spot on the bed and wiped away the tears. "W-what is that?" You ask, standing up and creeping over next to him. 

"Your shit from your house so you stop crying. No more weeping like a little girl. You're an adult and I don't want my Kitten to be crying when she's of age." His hand and gropes your ass lightly, a slight moan escapes your lips involuntarily. 

"If you cry again, you will be punished." 

He lets go and slides out of the room quietly.

Darks POV:

(returning back to the 6 months later)

I watched (Y/N) as she sat on the couch, rocking back and forth. Her arms crossed across her body, gripping her own hips and whining quietly. I could sense the pain from where I was standing. I crept out from the shadows and teleported to the front of her. She jumped as she always does when I teleport. It scares her. I get on my knees and kneel in front of her, taking her small wrists in my hands, tugging at them lightly to make her uncross her arms. She shakes her head and whimpers. 

"I told you no more crying. I also warned you to do as I say. Uncross your arms before you earn yourself a punishment," I warn. 

(Y/N) hesitates for a moment before dropping her head and allowing me to uncross her arms. The white couch is stained a dark red where she sits. I take her chin and force her to look into my eyes. Hers shine with tears and she wraps a hand around my wrist. 

"I-I'm s-sorry Dark I-I didn't mean to it just happened I'm sorry!" she stammers. A tear escapes her eye. This girl was the living definition of fear. "The medicine I take to stop it wore out and I couldn't find any more...," she whispers. Her body vibrates and shakes as I look away for a moment before quickly scooping her up, carrying her to the bathroom, and setting her on the edge of the bathtub. (Y/N) sits there rubbing her arm as I teleport away quickly, and back with a syringe.

Your POV (Written as I, Me, My):

Mother Nature is an ass. I wiped the tear from my cheek and rub my arm nervously. He didn't seem angered, but that could easily change. I learned over these few months that his moods went from zero to one hundred really quickly. 

I look up and notice he is hovering over me, holding a syringe. 

"What is th-" 

Dark takes my arm and jabs the needle in, removing it then throwing it into the sink. I yelp and pull my arm away. "What the fuck Dark? That hurt!" I gasp and put a hand over my mouth as he glares down at me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to say it. It just hurt an-" He cuts me off, 

"Be thankful for that. What I just gave you means that you don't have to go through that period shit anymore." 

I nod before my eyes widen at the realization of what he just said. "I can't get pregnant?"

 He nods and turns, starting to walk away. 

"Wait, wait! Like, forever? Please get rid of it! Someday when you let me go-" 

He snaps his body around to face me. 

"You. are. not. leaving. I brought you here and away from that hell-hole you call a 'family'. They treated you like shit and I'm certainly being nicer than them." 

I shoot up from my spot and step towards him, my anger getting the best of me. "I don't want to be here anymore. All you do is fuck with my brain, touch me and scare the living shit out of me when you teleport around. I'm sick of it, damn it!"

He steps closer to me, pushing me up against the side of the tub with his arms resting on both sides, trapping me in. Dark leans into my ear. 

"You like it when I touch you..."

 He nips at my neck, sending shivers down my spine. "You've taken a liking to me (Y/N)...," Dark whispers as he kisses and licks my neck. I groan quietly as his lips rub against my skin lightly. He is so dominant. He wants control over every part of my body. 

I didn't want him to be right. I couldn't help my feelings. Everything I've ever wanted in a guy was standing here in front of me. He is perfect. But at the same time, he's being an asshole. Why can't he open up to me?

Dark laughs deeply and quietly. "Even after your little slip, you have been doing good over these first few months. I think it is time you got some time outside these walls, hm? Wash up and meet me in the bedroom. We can discuss where you want to visit," he commands, kissing my jaw lightly then pulls away smirking. I blink, and once again, he has disappeared. 

His touch lingered on my body as it always did. I still felt the touch of his lips on my neck. I had never kissed anyone before, but he made me want to so badly. He was teasing me. 

I think back to my book of words. 'Basorexia' the overwhelming desire to kiss'. Definitely, something I was feeling.

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now