Chapter 17 - It All Comes Together

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Chapter 17

It All Comes Together

Your POV:

Dark groaned, snapping his fingers. The handcuffs and the chain around my neck disappeared along with the dress, now replaced with Dark's black t-shirt and my skinny jeans. 

"Alright. Fine," He muttered, taking my hand and leading me back over to the couch.

Everyone settled into the living room, either sitting on the couch or standing around. Bleiz disappeared down the halls of the mansion. Mark stood over by the window where I had first met him, rubbing his temples slowly. Dark took a seat on the end of the couch and pulled me onto his lap. I sat up against the armrest sitting comfortably before turning to Mark.

"Ok, let's hear what you have to say."

"There's too much to explain... I don't even know where to start...," Mark mumbled. I rolled my eyes. 

"How about at the beginning," I demanded. Mark sighed heavily.

"About a year and a half ago, Sean told me that Antisepticeye had escaped his body somehow without warning and left. We had no idea what his intentions were, so I allowed all of my egos to come out in order to help us search for him. About a month into the search, Dark also left with no explanation, leading us to believe he was working alongside Anti-"

"Which is not true, by the way," Dark interrupted.

Mark cleared his throat, annoyed at the interruption. "Jim discovered his demon sensing powers and led us here where we found you. None of us meant to hurt you, (Y/N). We just worried that Dark left to go join Anti in whatever crazy plan he has," Mark concluded. I nodded. So that's why they thought he was dangerous.

"Where did you hide Dark?" I questioned. Mark froze up a bit.

"Uh... in the basement..."

I slapped my forehead in frustration. He was in the mansion the whole time and I had no idea. I turned to look at Dark. "Why didn't you just teleport out?"

"They had me chained up to the walls. I can't teleport if I'm tied down," Dark scoffed, glaring at Mark. I snapped my head to glare at Mark too. He held up his hands defensively. 

"Don't give me that look! He was dangerous. Dark beat the shit out of me before you two screwed each other."

"Shut it, Mark. I'll shove you into a box as tiny as Tim if you keep making comments," Dark hissed.

"Both of you stop it right now. We're trying to figure out everything first and then feel free to roll around and fight like animals," I barked. They both kept quiet.

I turned my head towards Dark. "So... why did you leave at first if you're not working with Anti?"

"Anti's plan is basically to take over the world. He tried to convince me to join him, so I said yes and put on the act to find out more information so we could take him down easier. I left in order to protect everyone else. Anti is more powerful than we all had expected and if he kills off Mark that means the rest of us are gone too. He won't let anyone stand in his way."

All of the Ipliers looked as though they were starting to discover a piece of the story they hadn't even thought about. Luckily, it looked as though they believed what Dark was saying.

"After I 'agreed' to work with Anti, he told me that there was another way for us to obtain power. Taking energy from a certain person's body would allow us to gain more powers. Energy comes in the source of tears, blood and... sex. We did the research and the only person who held the energy was you. We don't know how or why you have the energy. I needed to get to you before Anti could or we would all be in deep shit," Dark explained. I groaned quietly. Why me?

"Is that where the wings came from? I let you fuck me in order for you to gain more power?" I growled.

"That's not it. I truly do love you, (Y/N). All of us do. You have to believe that," Dark stated. I groaned, dropping my face into my hands. 

"What about everyone else... since Mark and I..."

"Everyone else will have the upgrade in power too. Giving energy to the original transmits it to all of us."

All of the Ipliers hooted and high-fived each other in excitement. 

"Nice job, Mark," Sexy congratulated. I turned towards Mark.

"Did you fuck me in order to give all of them powers?" I hissed, motioning to the group of Ipliers who all avoided eye contact.

"No. None of us knew that was a thing until now."

I huffed. It all was coming together. No wonder I was so tired after being with Mark last night. All these fuckers took my energy.

"Speaking of sex...," Dark muttered, standing up, letting my body slip off of his lap gently. "If you ever touch my girl again, I'll flatten you. Like a pancake," He threatened, pointing to Mark. "She's mine."

Mark laughed quietly. "Check her tattoo and tell me that again."

Dark turned away from Mark angrily and hoisted me up off the couch before ripping up the back of my shirt. He checked my shoulder and let my shirt drop before picking me up and holding me against his body, my feet dangling an inch or so above the floor.

"You stupid fuck! It's gone!" Dark barked, looking back over to Mark who had his arms folded across his chest and a smirk resting on his face.

I could feel Dark's body heat up in anger. Mine was starting to do the same. 

"Darkiplier put me down right now. I'm not an object to be owned! I'm a woman! I don't belong to ANY of you," I snapped.

Dark sighed, dropping me to the floor. "I'm sorry, you're right...," He muttered. I sighed, gently wrapping my arms around him. 

"I'm sorry too. I'm not loyal." 

Dark nodded, wrapping his arms around me gently, pulling me closer. "It's alright, I forgive you. At least now we have enough power to take down Anti." I nodded, pulling away from him reluctantly.

"We have to get him taken care of soon. Sean's been making videos for me while we've been dealing with this shit. Nobody questions why I left. I'm on a 'hiatus'," Mark explained.

I sighed heavily, wrapping my arms around Darkiplier once again. "Thank you for explaining everything. It all makes sense now." I turned to Mark. "Can I just rest for a while before we do anything? I need time to think this all over."

All of the Ipliers nodded in unison. Mark motioned for all of them to follow him. I stood there, Dark's arms wrapped around me as they paraded out of the living room, leaving Dark and me in peace and quiet.

He laid down across the couch, pulling me down onto him. I stared into his gentle black marble eyes as he played with loose strands of my hair. "You look sexy in my t-shirt...," He whispered.

Dark smiled at me as he noticed me staring. "What is it, Kitten?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Is Anti going to try and take me away?" I asked. Dark nodded slowly. 

"I'm not sure if he realizes you're the one with the power. I think he assumes you're just my slave," He cringed at his own words. "But, you're safe here with us. We won't let you get hurt," He comforted. I sighed in relief.

"You're so much more than a slave to me, (Y/N). Do you understand that?" He questioned. I smiled and nodded. 

"Yes, I know. I probably would have been, but I'm not the one who fell in love...," I teased. He chuckled quietly, pulling me closer to his face before planting a kiss onto my lips.

"Actually, you fell in love too. And it's your fault for being so beautiful...," He breathed. I blushed, biting my lip before resting my head onto his chest. He wrapped his arms around me tightly.

I listened intently to his heart, beating a familiar rhythm. It made me fall asleep within minutes.

I'm glad he's back.

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now