Chapter 21 - Normal

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Chapter 21


Your POV:

After a few more minutes of calming down, Dark and I agreed that we would go off on our own around 7:00 to spend some time together. We both needed to calm down alone for a bit before meeting up again, so we kissed good-bye before he flew off into the forest and I went to tell the Ipliers the news.

When I told them, they basically freaked the fuck out on me. I can't blame them for being worried, but they also needed to learn how to trust me.

"Are you fucking crazy, (Y/N)?" Sexy screeched, "He just STABBED you!" I groaned, facepalming.

"All of you need to TRUST ME. I know Dark better than all of you combined. Maybe if you learn to treat him nicer he will be more willing to cooperate!" 

They all sighed, rolling their eyes and groaning. I stamped my foot into the ground, slapping my hands onto my hips, causing them all to look up at me. 

"Give him a fucking chance. He knows that leaving was wrong but you can't change the past. Give. Him. A. Chance," I growled. Wilford sighed, stepping over to me. 

"I trust you, (Y/N). Just... be safe, OK?" 

I nodded, smiling. I was finally getting somewhere. 

"If any of you follow us tonight I will personally beat you into the ground," I threatened, "If Dark sees any of you, it will only make the situation worse." 

They all groaned, nodding their heads reluctantly.

I began to walk off back towards the mansion before Mark grabbed my wrist, pulling me off to the side. He sighed heavily, letting his hand drop down his face. 

"Please just be careful, (Y/N). And... if you get a chance... just think about my offer, alright?" I nodded. 

"Will do." 

I turned around, headed towards the mansion.

I made it to Dark's room and searched his closet for any good outfits. Dark didn't tell me where we were going, so I just threw on some jeans, a black tank-top, a pair of black converse, and a light camo jacket. To kill some time, I headed off to the library. Today had been a stressful day, and getting lost in a book is what I needed right now.

I spent a few hours reading with some naps in-between. As time started ticking closer to 7, I put my book away and sprawled out on the loveseat, waiting for Dark. While I waited, I pondered Mark's offer. I sighed heavily, trying to make a list of pros and cons in my head. Before I could complete my list, I was jumped out of my thoughts. 

Dark stepped into the doorway, his hands behind his back. He bit his lip, smirking at me. I smiled, rising from my seat. I met him where he stood, resting my hands onto his chest.

He smiled down at me, his hands coming out from behind his back and resting onto my hips, pulling my body against his. I bit my lip as my hands crept up his chest and to his tie. He always looked handsome, but the red tie always completed the look. 

"And where did you find this?" I asked, my fingertips playing with the red silk before he wrapped his hands around my wrists gently, placing my hands on his abs.

I looked up at him, a smirk planted on his face.

"You know, (Y/N), I like my tie, but I'd rather have your arms hanging around my neck... your back pressed against the wall while you cry out my name...," He whispered. I blushed, sliding my hands back up to his tie, using it to pull his head down to me. 

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now