Chapter 38 (Final Chapter) - All That I Am

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Chapter 38 - All That I Am

—3 days later—-

Mark went home to LA, and the others followed in his wake. Dark and Mark agreed that Dark and I could stay in the mansion for a few more nights until there was a permanent place for us to live in LA. 

The other Ipliers agreed to live with Mark for a few days so Dark and I could have some time alone before we had to go back to living with the rest of them. It took a bit of convincing because of course the others didn't want to live with Mark and all they did was cause trouble, so Mark had to make it very clear that they were to keep quiet and out of sight while he was making videos.

When the day came, Dark was sad to leave the mansion, and a part of me was too, but we agreed it was the best choice. He held my hand tight, looking up at his mansion one last time from the backyard. His lungs filled with air and he breathed out, allowing the breath to carry away all his bad memories of the mansion with it. A smile appeared on his face as he turned to me. 

We took a moment together in silence, both of us thinking about the good things that happened in the mansion. Though most of the things were bad, this is where we had grown to love each other. It was going to be difficult to leave, but a better life awaited us. He held his arms out, and I stepped in between them, wrapping my arms around his torso. His arms found their way around my body, holding me close as he teleported us away from the mansion.

As I opened my eyes, I was greeted with a gorgeous sight. In front of me, a large, beautiful white home sat on a small hill. The house was lavish, and was something only seen in a fantasy story. Beautiful green trees surrounded it for miles it seemed, and the yard was littered with beautiful blush pink flowers. A patio sat in front of the home on both sides, and split down the middle to two large staircases to the front yard. Large windows were spread across the first and second floors. A small yet pretty pond was to my right, and the sun rays reflected the water, causing the pond to shimmer.

I let out a quiet gasp at the beauty, and Dark let go of my waist slowly, taking my hand in his. A quiet bark to my left caught my attention, and I gasped again at the large Caucasian Shepard that came running up to me. The dog stopped in front of me, before reaching his head out and poking my hand with his nose. I smile appeared on my face as I pet the dog's head gently before turning back to Dark.

"Bleiz?" I asked.

Dark nodded, a small grin appearing on his face. "Of course, I couldn't just leave him back at the mansion."

The other Ipliers, who had just arrived, joined us, hooting and hollering in excitement. Dark rolled his eyes, and I laughed at him quietly.

Though Dark found his brothers very annoying, Mark and myself had finally convinced him to let his brothers stay. A few days earlier, Dark had made one last attempt at forcing Mark to have their brothers live with him, but Mark argued that it was dangerous, and he didn't want to risk anything happening in videos.

"Everyone loves a special appearance, Mark," Dark arued tauntingly.

Mark rolled his eyes. "It won't be a special appearance about the time you dickheads do something irreversible. I'm good at editing, but not that good."

"So what? Cut it out of the video," Dark fired back.

"I can't just cut out good content. And what about the livestreams?" Mark retorted.

"People think you're a joke anyway so why is it a prob-"

"Dark," I hissed, "Let it go."

Reluctantly, Dark agreed to let them stay, but the smile on his face allowed me to see that he loved his brothers, even if they were a bit rowdy.

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now