Chapter 13 - Play Like A Girl

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Chapter 13

Play Like A Girl

Your POV:

I awoke the next morning to the sound of Dark's bedroom door closing. I sat up quickly, rubbing my eyes and gaining attention to my surroundings almost immediately. 

"The hell was that?" I questioned, speaking to myself. My eyes wandered the room, searching for any possible changes. Nothing was different until my eyes landed on the clothing laying at the end of the bed. I pulled up the sheets and swung out of bed and stood up, almost tripping because of the dress as I made my way over to the clothing. I stared at it for a moment, wondering what it was for. 

The outfit was simple - long sleeve shirt, leggings, socks, and combat boots, all of which were black. I shook my head, confused as hell before putting on the outfit along with black underwear and a black bra to match the theme. I could only assume this was the work of one of the Ipliers. I thought for a moment. Today was Jim's day. 

I admired the outfit in the mirror for a moment. It reminded me of Dark. It had been nearly a month. The others were doing a decent job at entertaining me, but they couldn't compare to Dark. I wanted him back. I exited Dark's bedroom and made my way down to the living room.

To my not-so-surprise, I was met with a room full of Ipliers, all of which had the same outfit as me. I stared at them confused for a moment as I realized what they had on over their outfits - black vests, knee pads, elbow pads, fingerless gloves, and... gas masks? 

I continued my way down the stairs and met the Ipliers where they stood, trying to figure out what exactly was going on. Jim came up to me, adjusting his glove as he spoke. 

"Sorry to wake you up so early, but this event will take all day."

I shrugged my shoulders "What exactly are we doing?" I questioned. He cackled, rubbing his hands together. I rolled my eyes. A long black object was thrown at me from across the room. I caught it easily, looking it over the barrel and the stock for a moment before I realized what it was.

A paintball gun.

I bit my lip evilly, looking over the gun for a few moments before dropping it to my side. My neighborhood back at home consisted of most of the town's roughest kids. The roughest kids played in the roughest ways they could without killing each other. This usually meant playing games like 5-finger fillet with shards of glass, setting off fireworks and throwing them at each other, wrestling around in the dirt until you had someone in a chokehold, or my favorite thing of all - the neighborhood hunger games. 

This game was usually played from dawn until dusk in the woods with fake machine guns and pistols that shot plastic BB's. Although it didn't sound that exciting, getting hit with those plastic bullets hurt like hell, and the adrenaline rush was wonderful. The more I played, the more I aspired to win. I learned how to dodge bullets and hit my targets easily. I should've gone into the army.

All of the Iplier's looked at me with concern as a wide smile pulled across my face. This was a game I could play. We all gathered around Jim as he started to explain the rules.

- The game was to be played for 24 hours, or until there was one team left alive. 

- Boundaries were set by the mossy rock walls that ran around the forest. 

- Anyone to cross the rock walls or sit on them is considered out.

- A backsplash of paint is not considered a hit, the paintball must make direct contact.

- Anyone who is hit with a paintball is out.

- No powers are to be used: only pure skill.

- Once you are out, you are out. No second chances.

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now