Chapter 30 - Gone

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Chapter 30


Narrator POV:

Dark stood still for a moment before whipping around and sprinting out of the ballroom. Mark, Punk, Wilford, and Dr. Iplier followed behind him, trying to keep up with his quick pace. Bleiz continued to howl, his cries echoing through the castle. Dark followed them, picking up his pace and now pushing full tilt towards his wolf's howl.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of his wolf from another hallway. He came to a screeching stop before turning on his heels. He met his wolf by a large wooden door that Bleiz scratched at furiously. Dark rattled the door handle violently, screaming out: "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" as the door refused to open. In a fit of panic, he slammed his already injured arm against the door a few times. The adrenaline dulled his pain, and he could barely feel anything as he slammed his body against the door, again and again, finally causing the lock to break.

The door swung open, and his eyes darted around the room, taking in the terrible scene. The room was a complete blood bath. 

His eyes darted to a small lump in the corner of the room, and he wasted no time sprinting over to her. Her body is mutilated, completely torn up. Blood pours from her wounds and joins the already large puddle of blood beneath her body. Her skin is pale, white like a ghost, and yellow bruises are scattered across her body. Open cuts are spread across her body: her arms, her back, her legs, her stomach. Her nose is leaking blood and one of her eyes is bruised black and swollen shut. A large bruise is wrapped around her neck, and Dark holds up his hand in horror, realizing that it matches the size of his hand exactly.

By now, the others have filed into the room, gathering around (Y/N). Dr. Iplier drops to his knees beside her, rolling her nearly lifeless body onto her back quickly with the help of Punk and Host.

Dark's eyes fade to a deep blue as the amnesia begins to wear off. The red stains on his hands stand out to him, and he is mortified at the sudden realization that the blood he wears on his suit is not his, but hers.

He screamed and begged Anti not to hurt her. His heart shattered as he remembered her crying out, begging, begging for him to hold her. Begging for his help as blood poured from her wounds.

Dark took a step back, his body shaking with fear as he began to hyperventilate. In a panic, he ripped off his stained dress coat and chucked it across the room, letting out a blood-curdling scream. His hands went to his hair, tugging hard at his roots. He rocked back and forth on his heels, muttering: "I didn't stop him. I didn't stop him..."

Dr. Iplier begins inspecting her wounds as quickly as possible. With help from the Host, Mark and Punk begin to wrap up her cuts and prevent more bleeding using pads of gauze and medical tape provided by Host. Dr. Iplier fishes through his pocket and finds a knife. In a quick swipe, he cuts open his palm and allows himself to bleed before pressing his hand against the cut on one of her arms. He heals her wound just enough to stop it from bleeding, then moves on and does the same to the other arm. He begins to grow weak as he heals her legs, and he wraps his own hand in gauze and secures it with medical tape.

"That was the last of my energy. I can't heal her any further. She has a couple of broken ribs on the left side. She lost extreme amounts of blood," Dr. explained quickly, "Dark might be able to heal her a bit more. Although it wasn't his soul, his body was the one who dealt the damage."

They all turn to Dark, who is still muttering to himself in shock. Wilford stands up and grabs Dark by the front of his shirt, shaking him around a bit in order to try and get him to snap out of it. When that plan fails, Wilford raises his hand and slaps Dark across the cheek, hard.

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