Chapter 20 - Kill Me

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Chapter 20

Kill Me

Your POV:

Mark and I both looked up when we heard a quiet knock. We turned around to see Jim, standing in the archway. 

He stepped into the library, his face pale with worry. I got off of Mark and stepped over to Jim, who looked down at me. He opened his mouth to say something, but he choked on his words. I held out my arms and wrapped him in a hug. He responded, wrapping his arms around me tightly and resting his face on my shoulder.

"He flipped a table, (Y/N). We're all kind of afraid of him right now. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about Anti. My powers really didn't work. I couldn't sense him and I don't know why," Jim whispered. 

I rubbed his back gently before stepping away from the hug so I could look at him, his hands falling to my hips.

"Jim, it's OK. I'll figure this out. Maybe your sensing powers didn't work because you were busy looking through Mark's camera lens?" 

He sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe... but I should have been on guard. He could have killed you..."

I shook my head slowly. "He didn't and that's all that matters. It's not your fault. I need to go talk to Dark, OK?" 

I slipped out of Jim's hands and jogged out of the library and into the living room/kitchen, Mark and Jim following behind me.

Jim didn't lie, Dark had indeed flipped a table, but he also broke a bunch of plates and glasses. I stopped, holding my arms out to stop Mark and Jim from stepping on the glass. The rest of the Ipliers looked up at me and stopped gathering the broken pieces for a moment. I waved them all over, making a small circle so we could chat.

"What just happened?" I sighed. Wilford waved around the floor to the shards of glass and pieces of porcelain. 

"We tried to calm him down but he just... freaked out." I rolled my eyes, nodding my head. 

"Any idea why he's in such a pissy mood?" 

They all shook their heads 'no' in unison. I sighed again, looking around to see if I could spot him. Through the large glass wall in the living room, I could see Dark sitting out in the backyard alone. I tiptoed over the glass and over to the window before heading towards the door. 

"(Y/N)? Where are you going?" Dr. Iplier asked.

"Outside. Dark and I have some things to discuss." 

Punk shook his head. "You better not. He's dangerous. He'll kill you." I scoffed, turning back to face them. 

"This is part of the problem. I don't think any of you trust me first of all, and secondly, stop saying he's dangerous. Dark obviously has some anger issues, but there's nothing we can't try to change." They all groaned at my words of wisdom. 

"and so what if he kills me?" I stated, "Might be better off that way anyway."

That was mostly sarcastic, but the look on their faces told me they thought I was completely serious. 

"Stay here. DO NOT step foot outside of this house. I can handle him. Trust me."

Before they could respond, I stepped outside and made my way over to Dark. 

He sat hunched over and cross-legged, twisting a large knife into the dirt. His hair was flipped over, hiding his face. I sat down next to him, watching him for a few minutes. He sat there, saying nothing, completely ignoring my existence. From the corner of my eye, I could see all of the Ipliers in the window, looking out at us and on guard, in case Dark decided to lash out.

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now