Chapter 4 - This man is full of lust, could he also be full of love?

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Chapter 4
This man is full of lust, could he also be full of love?

Your POV:

You shake your head and get up from the floor, wrapping yourself in the comforter once again and head back to your room. As you enter the room, you notice he left out some clothes for you. The same shirt you had on, magically repaired with no claw marks. "That fucker fixed it, good thing too, it's one of my favorites," you mumble to yourself as you pull on the shirt and the black ripped jeans. You sit down on the bed for a moment and ponder about the man who has enslaved you. 

Dark, Darkiplier, the alter ego of Markiplier.

Mark had practically saved your life, making you laugh on even the worst of days. You had watched his videos since the beginning, one of his first subscribers too. Falling in love with this guy was a definite. His laugh was contagious, his smile was sweet, the way he swore and made dirty innuendos all the time turned you on. Over the years, you learned of his alter egos. Darkiplier was your favorite, and you wonder how out of all of them, it had to be him that you liked the most. 

However, he took you from your home and made you his pet, and he seemed a lot more of an asshole than previously believed. He was the evil side of Mark, but no wonder he turned you on so, he was like him in lots of ways and even sexier in others. Though he was beautiful, he was acting like a real dick which caused you to despise him. How is he real, anyway? That's something you just couldn't puzzle together. You sigh for a moment before your blood ran cold. If Dark exists, do the others exist too? 

You are jumped from your thoughts as you remember that he told you to meet you at the stairs. Having another punishment wouldn't be fun, so, reluctantly, you get up and head to the stairway. 

You walk quickly down the hallway hoping that you didn't take too long. Dark meets you at the stairway. He notices you and rolls his marble eyes.

"You take forever to change. Let's go," he states, putting his hand on your lower back and coaxing you down the stairway. The feeling of his hand against your back makes your body tense up as you step down the black spiral staircase into a huge, high ceiling room. You pause at the bottom of the staircase and take in your surroundings. 

To your right is a medium-sized kitchen with stone counters similar to the bathroom. Against the wall is a large sink with a counter on both sides. Beside the counter on the left is a stove and beside the right counter is a fridge. A large island sits in the middle of the kitchen. A small bar extends from beside the fridge and lands parallel with the island. Behind the bar is a black wood dining table and chairs and beyond that, a large living room space. The furthest living room wall is made of huge glass windows that look out on a large green backyard that is fenced in by a dark forest filled with large trees. 

The couches in the living room are leather and white, the same shade of white as the walls. A nice change from all the dark colors in this house. The bright sunshine leaking through the large windows make you smile some. Dark leads you over next to the island. You look around for a few moments, avoiding eye contact with his dark shining eyes. He watches you intently, his staring would probably become a normal thing, you noted. He could pierce someone's soul with those eyes.

Dark's POV:

I watched her look around the room. She was happy to see sunlight, I would be too, but that's all she's going to get for now. Letting her out would be dangerous, she would try to run away and I can't have that. She needs to learn her place here. She is an interesting girl. She has the most beautiful body. I'm so attracted to her, I can't resist much longer. My lust grows stronger every second. I move to the front of her quickly and back her up against the island. My hips pushed up against her so she can't move away. 

"I hope you know how to cook. You will make my meals when I ask for them." 

She keeps avoiding eye contact with me. Of course, I can sense she is afraid... sort of. But, she will learn to like me. If not, there will be punishment...

Your POV:

He leans over your body, his hand still resting on your lower back. 

"You will follow my rules and do what I ask you, when I ask you. Other than that, you are free to do as you wish." 

He takes your chin and forces you to look into his eyes. He smirks as you stare deep into the black abyss. You feel uncomfortable as he slips his hand down and smacks your ass lightly. You flinch and glare up at him angrily. He laughs and leans down to your face and plants a light kiss on your jaw. 

"Make me some dinner, Kitten..." he pulls away and leaves the room, disappearing down a hallway across from the kitchen. 

Your face goes pale as you realize how dangerous he is. You can't stop him from doing whatever he wants. You are trapped here until he lets you go. If he lets you go.

A sudden idea crosses your mind: find a pan and slam him over the head with it. However, you quickly shake it off and begin ripping open the cabinets to find something to cook. Trying to take him out while he was there was too dangerous, and where would you go anyway? It looked like the forest surrounded this place for miles. He could find you easily and bring you right back. That - or you would end up dead, which didn't seem too bad of an option at this point. However, it would be better to wait. Maybe his heart will soften, and he will let you go. 

While searching through the cabinets, you find a box of spaghetti and a jar of sauce. Simple dinner enough. You set the table quickly and quietly as the spaghetti and sauce cooks. Once it is finished, you set out the spaghetti on the plates and pour the sauce over it. You stand by the table for a few minutes in silence, waiting for him to arrive. 

After a few minutes, of waiting, you can't bear it anymore. The silence is terrible. It's better to have his creepy and perverted presence there compared to the chilling silence. 

"D-Dark?" You call out weakly. Suddenly, you feel hands on your hips and you gasp, flinching at his touch.

"Well done, Kitten..." 

Dark kisses your neck then moves over to his seat and motions for you to sit down. You follow his command reluctantly, keeping your eyes on his unpredictable movements. Although your stomach churns at the thought of eating, you force yourself to do so anyway. Whatever this guy had planned, you certainly wanted to be healthy enough to take it on. Or, if you were lucky and he left the front door open, you needed the strength to run for your life.

He watches you as you eat. Staring intently with his lust-filled eyes. You would look over at him occasionally, then dart your eyes the other direction, trying to avoid his eyes. However, a thought pushed its way to the front of your mind.

This man is full of lust, could he also be full of love?

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now