Chapter 26 - Goodbye

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(WARNING: This chapter is very important, but it is also fairly graphic. It contains detailed descriptions and may be uncomfortable to read. For those of you who wish not to read the graphic version of this chapter, I created a summary of the chapter at the bottom of this page with less detail. The graphic parts of this chapter are outlined in '----'. The beginning and end of the chapter are less gory, so those should be more comfortable to read. Please be sure to take care of yourself, only you know what you can and can't handle. I write these books to create a safe place for those who need it, and I want to make sure everyone here is comfortable.)

Chapter 26


Your POV:

We wandered through the silent and dim hallways illuminated by small torches hanging on the walls. He said nothing as he worked his way through the maze of hallways, clinging tightly to the back of my knees to keep me in place. I closed my eyes, thinking of any way to bring the real Dark back to reality. Surely this was not him, but at the same time, I couldn't tell. The first few months at the mansion had been terrible. My body shuttered as I remembered my first 'punishment'. The feeling of boiling water crawling across my skin, leaving blisters and welts as it burned. But, even then he had healed me. Maybe he felt something for me? Maybe it was just because he hadn't taken my energy yet?

His love had seemed so sincere the first night we shared together, wrapped in his sheets, bodies pressed together in ecstasy. How gentle he was with me... but was it all a trick? Am I nothing to him besides a pawn in his game? Maybe those who take Dark to be the epitome of evil were right. Maybe there was just a part of me that always believed that the bad could change to good. Maybe I was wrong.

My thoughts were interrupted as Dark kicked open a large wooden door in front of him. We entered the room, and I took a moment to look at my surroundings as he dropped me onto a large grey mattress in the middle of the room. He turned his back to me and stepped back over to the door, locking it, trapping us inside.

The room was small and dim, similar to the basement I had just been in. The only differences are that there were no iron bars, and a long rectangular window close to the ceiling on one wall allowed some light from the bright sun to shine in. The rays made the room appear more beautiful than it really was, and the sun was slowly setting, which would soon allow the room to collapse in darkness and reveal its true, hideous nature.

As I turned my attention back to Dark, he was striding over to me. He snapped his fingers, and, in an instant, his outfit changed. His suit seemed to go opposite of everything, turning from black to white. The white shirt underneath changed to black, and his dress pants turned white. The only thing left of his original outfit was his black shoes and his red tie. The same tie he had given me when he left. And the note he wrote me... it seemed so... genuine. But did he really mean those things, or did he just use me?


I held my breath as Dark moved closer, a smirk spreading across his face. He knelt down to me, his knees hitting the mattress as he inched closer. I slid backward, breathing slowly as he continued to come closer. In a simple swipe, he pushed my shoulder gently, causing my arms to lose what little strength they had. My body fell, my back hitting the mattress as he crawled over me. I laid there in terror as he reached out, placing this hand on my stomach, making it twist in knots. My skin flinched at his touch for the first time in forever, and my heart began to beat rapidly in panic.

I watched with wide eyes and sealed lips as Dark slid his hand up my body slowly, before grabbing onto the top of my shirt and tugging the buttons apart. He worked his way down, pulling my shirt apart carefully and slowly before undoing the last button, then peeling my shirt from my body and tossing it across the room.

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now