Chapter 34 - Blame Yourself

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Chapter 34

Blame Yourself

Narrator POV:

The Ipliers made their way out, and Mark gave (Y/N) a silent goodbye as he left the room. As soon as the door had closed behind Mark, Dark sprung into action.

He slid his hands beneath her body and picked her up bridal style. She laughed quietly, wrapping her arms around his neck. Seeing her smile and laugh sparked something inside of Dark. Joy spread through his body, and happiness radiated from his brilliant smile.

He carried her to the bathroom and gently lowered her to the floor. She giggled as he held tight to her, her legs wobbling as she tried her best to stand.

Between laughs, she begged him to help her remove what clothes she had on. "I'm too weak, Dark. Here, I'll hold onto you, and you can work on getting me naked."

"Gladly," Dark responded, a smirk on his face, "I'm keeping my boxers on though, so you won't be tempted, baby."

She smiled and rolled her eyes, wrapping her arms around his torso. For a few minutes, they laughed together, struggling to try and get her clothes off. Once the task was finally complete, Dark froze, looking at her body.

(Y/N)'s face mimicked Dark's expression as his face fell to a guilty frown. Their laughing came to an abrupt stop, Dark's eyes locked on her body.

"What? What is it?" She asked, moving slightly to try and get Dark's eyes to match up with hers.

Dark stayed silent, his shaky fingers tracing over her cuts. He looked back up to her eyes, and she shook her head slowly.

"I don't want to hear it, Dark. You didn't do this to me. Anti did. There was nothing you could have done to stop it."

Dark stayed silent, and she sighed heavily. She brought her hand up to Dark's arm, her fingers now tracing his cuts - Anti's deep claw marks.

"You pouting about not being there to protect me does just about as much good as me pouting and not being able to be there to protect you," she stated, continuing to trace his cuts, "I know you blame yourself, but you shouldn't. You can't control other people. Understand?" She asked sternly. Dark nodded, letting out a deep breath. A small smile returned to her face, and his eyes lit up.

"Now bring me to the shower, peasant," She ordered. Dark smiled and picked her up gently. She wrapped her legs around his torso the best she could.

They made their way into the shower, and Dark messed around with the shower handle until the water was warm. He rolled his eyes playfully as she instructed him to make it not too hot, but not too cold either. When it was the perfect temp, he set her down slowly, spinning her around so her back was against his chest.

He wrapped his arms around her gingerly, holding her up just below her breasts in order to try and not disturb her sore ribs. He rested his chin on her shoulder, and they sighed contently together, their bodies relaxing into each other.

Dark looked down at (Y/N)'s body, observing the lines on her skin. He held her up with one arm and traced his fingers over her skin with the other. She tipped up her head, kissing Dark gently on the jaw. She brought her hand up to his hair as he kissed her neck a few times.

Though Dark had seen her naked many times and had taken in her beauty, he hadn't yet had a chance to observe her body in this way, without his lustful thirst. This time, he observed her body simply because it was beautiful. To him, she was perfect. Every imperfection and every insecurity made her all the more wonderful.

His lips brushed against her ear as he whispered to her: "You are absolutely stunning, Kitten."

She blushed and a smile spread across her face. "Will they scar?" She asked, motioning to her cuts. Dark thought for a moment then shook his head.

"The cuts were pretty clean, so I don't think many of them will. Whichever ones do scar, Dr. Iplier and I can heal them the rest of the way. If you want, of course."

She nodded and shifted around in Dark's arms. He loosened his grip slightly, and she turned around to him, wrapping her arms around his torso, her chin resting on his chest. She looked up at him, taking in the sight of his new eyes.

Though they are beautiful, a part of her will always miss his original eyes. These ones no longer changed color, but they showed a lot more emotion.

"I want to wash my hair, but I don't think I'm strong enough yet to lift my arms for that long."

"In other words, you want me to wash your hair for you," Dark responded. She smiled and nodded, and Dark let out a playful sigh and snapped his fingers, a bottle of shampoo appearing in his hand.

She held onto his torso once again, keeping her balance on her wobbly feet as Dark washed her hair. He froze up slightly as the water ran a bright pink while he rinsed out her hair. She spoke his name, turning his attention to her. She lectured him again and sealed it gently with a kiss on the base of his neck.

He smiled and placed his hands on her hips. He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. He cherished every second he had with her. 

Soon, she would be gone. 

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now