Chapter 33 - Thought I Lost You

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Chapter 33

Thought I Lost You

Narrator POV:

In the coming days, (Y/N) grew stronger and healthier. Dark took Dr. Iplier's advice the next morning and was relieved to see that she was safe and sound when he returned from his shower.

She grew stronger each day, the life now coming back to her face and body. Similar to before, Punk was there assuring that she was well fed and hydrated as her body healed. And though Dark hates being babied, Punk was sure to keep Dark well fed and hydrated also. 

Though Dark was glad to see that she was getting better, he also dreaded the day that she would be able to stand by herself, therefore healthy enough to heal on her own. Mark would take her away, and he would be confined once again to his lonely and lifeless mansion.

Though she was getting better, her period of consciousness was still generally short. It continued to grow, but she would only be able to hold out for about an hour until her body decided to rest.

She lay on her back one morning, the first morning where she had been conscious for a few minutes rather than a few seconds. Dark was next to her, propped up on his side, slightly leaning over her.

She smiled up weakly at him and placed her hand onto his cheek. Her face molded into confusion as she looked up into his eyes. She stared for a second before her face melted into a smile, and Dark let out a deep breath, happy to see that she liked the new change.

"Very different...," She stated weakly, "but beautiful, Dark."

Dark smiled and nodded, placing his hand over hers on his cheek. Feeling her warm skin, he was overcome with emotion, and tears stung at the edges of his eyes.

"I thought I lost you, baby. I don't know what I would have done. I cried for so long, darling. I thought you would die thinking that it was me..."

"Of course it wasn't you," she responded in a whisper, her head sinking back into the pillow, "You love me. I heard you say it... down in the dungeon..."

She let out a breath, and her eyes fell shut. Dark smiled and took her hand from his cheek. His smile faded for a moment, and his heart began to hurt. He couldn't decide which was worse: her thinking that it was him, or her knowing that it was Anti, but there was nothing Dark could do to stop it. 

He watched helplessly as it happened. He begged Anti to kill him instead. Spare her life. Without her, Dark's life meant nothing. Her screams of pain and terror clouded his mind, but they faded away when he felt her hand squeeze his wrist gently. 

Dark snapped out of it and removed her hand from around his wrist. He kissed the top of her hand gently before interlacing his fingers with hers. He settled down beside her, letting out a breath. His eyes closed, and he attempted to fall asleep.

Though she was right beside him, he dreamt of a world where they were together, and would stay that way forever.

In the afternoon of the next day, (Y/N) had gained enough strength to be able to sit up in bed. Dark allowed the others to come into the room to see her after he wrapped her nearly naked body in the sheets. She rolled her eyes and made a playful remark as he wrapped her body, attempting to get under Dark's skin a little. 

"Your body is only for my eyes to see, Kitten," He responded, "Your soul might not belong to anyone, but your body belongs to me."

The Ipliers fawned over her and explained what had happened: Anti's possession, the great escape, and how they had taken down Anti by acting out the parts and over-exaggerating the details. She praised them all and smiles spread across the room.

Bleiz came in for a visit too and was excited to see (Y/N) sitting up and awake. He whined quietly until she pet his head and scratched his ears, then he settled down onto the floor to stand guard.

Mark stepped forward, shooing away some of his egos in order for him to get through. As he came into view, (Y/N)'s smile grew, and she held out her hand for Mark to take. He accepted her offer and placed his hand onto hers gently.

"I'm glad to see that you are feeling better, (Y/N). We were all worried sick."

She let out a quiet laugh and rolled her eyes. "I'm happy to see that everyone is all in one piece. It sucks I missed the fight. But, It's good to be back home."

Mark nodded, flinching slightly as she said 'home'. His eyes moved to Dark, who avoided eye contact with a grouchy frown on his face.

"Right now, I'd love to take a shower. So if all of you could get out, that would be fantastic," she ordered playfully. Dark looked up.

"But you can't stand up fully on your own yet, your energy-"

"I didn't say anything about you leaving, now did I?" She responded, turning her head to look over her shoulder at Dark. Dark's frown turned up into a slight smirk. His eyes flipped over to Mark, who gave him a warning glance.

Dark rolled his eyes. He knows the boundaries. She isn't strong enough.

Mark moved his eyes from Dark, to (Y/N), then back to Dark again. Dark sighed and turned his head away.

Though Dark was doing everything he could to put the news off, Mark was right. She needed to know. He had to tell her. 


Hi guys! Apologies for the short chapter. I'm working on the next one now, and I am still planning out the last chapter. Hang in there guys, the chapters are coming I swear, I just want the ending to be perfect. 

Also, I want this story to be as wrapped up as possible. If you guys think that there are any parts to this story that still need an explanation or things that I could possibly miss, please let me know!

I hope you are all staying safe and healthy!

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