Chapter 19 - Act Like It

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Credits to the person who made that amazing artwork!

Chapter 19

Act Like It

Dark's POV:

We stopped near the tree line where I could still see (Y/N) and everyone else. Anti stopped floating and stood on the ground, waving his arms around as he spoke. 

"What the fook is wrong with you? This is our chance! Let me get the girl's energy!" He hissed. I crossed my arms. 

"I told you, she's going to die if we take the rest of her energy."

"What do you care if the girl dies? It's just a mortal. There's plenty of others you can fook!"

"She's not just a mortal, you idiot. She's our power source."

"That girl is good for a one time use."

"That girl has a name!" I snapped, throwing my arms around. Anti groaned. 

"Did you fall in love? Is that what this shit is about?" I sighed, my arms going back across my chest. 

"I don't share my women."

"Then you don't have to let me fook her! I'll take her tears instead you stupid ass!"

"She's still weak."

"Oh my fooking god. Fine. Fine. I'll take the lass's tears later, alright? Fook." 

Anti let out an annoyed sigh, and I began to follow him as he floated back over to the group.

About halfway there, Anti started to speed up the pace, flying towards (Y/N) quickly. My blood began to boil. 

Mother fucker.

Your POV:

We watched Anti and Dark arguing in the distance, throwing their arms around and screaming at each other. Everyone stayed silent in an attempt to listen, but they were too far away. We all sighed as they made their way back, Anti floating ahead of Dark.

Mark's arm tightened around my hip as we all watched wide-eyed. 

Anti started to float faster towards me, an evil look written across his face, his eyes a neon green. A pink orb came flying towards me from behind Anti, expanding, and surrounding me. I stood frozen, letting the orb consume me. 

Another one of Dark's powers? 

Wilford pulled Mark out of the way of the orb. He lost his grip on me and was tugged away before he had a chance to grab me again, screaming my name in a panic.

I shrieked as the orb blew up around me, trapping me like a hamster in a pink ball. I lost my balance, falling on my back and propping myself up with my elbows. 

Anti latched onto the side of the ball, his fingers now turned into sharp claws that pierced through the sides of the orb. He laughed evilly, scratching violently at the sides of the orb screaming: "GiVe Me YOuR TeARs!"

Fucking psychopath.

I watched in horror as Dark, his wings now out and bright glittery pink, flew through the air and crashed violently into Anti, pinning him to the ground by his throat.

While Dark struggled with Anti, Host was frantically pulling things out of his jacket, making a small pile of random junk before pulling out an axe. He handed it to Sexy, who smashed it against the side of the orb a few times before it cracked down the side like an egg, just enough for him to pull out a piece and retrieve me from inside.

We all watched as Dark held Anti to the ground, watching him struggle until his green eyes returned normal and his large claws disappeared. He panted heavily as Dark screamed at him: "I TOLD YOU NOT RIGHT NOW! YOU WILL GET YOUR FUCKING POWERS, OK? JUST NOT NOW!"

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now