Chapter 16 - Not Your Slave

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(Credits to MaskMan626 on Deviantart for the awesome artwork! Go check this person out their art is super awesome!

Chapter 16

Not Your Slave

Your POV:

My eyes flung open the next morning when I heard a scream from downstairs. I panicked, searching for Mark who was nowhere to be seen. What the fuck was happening?

I flew out of bed and pulled on my bra, panties, shirt, and jeans as quickly as possible before racing down the spiral staircase and stopping in the living room. I shrieked as Wilford grabbed my shoulders and held my body against him so I couldn't move. All of the Ipliers and myself watched in horror as Mark and Dark rolled around on the living room floor, punching each other and hissing swears.

They both looked in rough shape. Dark's suit had multiple rips, his skin seemed more pale than usual. His eyes were a fiery red, and it looked like he was on his last straw. Mark had a black eye and was bleeding from his lip. We watched for a few moments as they continued to roll around, beating each other. I was the first one to say something.

"DARKIPLIER! GET OFF OF HIM!" I shrieked. They were too busy fighting that they didn't notice me. I made an attempt to lunge away from Wilford, but he held me back. "LET GO OF ME, WILFORD. THEY'RE GOING TO KILL EACH OTHER!" Wilford shook his head. 

"Calm down, as long as Dark doesn't use his powers, they can't do much damage. We all have the same default strength when our powers aren't in use," he stated. I nodded, watching them punch each other a few more times.

They were yelling at each other as they continued to fight. "DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING CLUE WHAT YOU JUST DID, MARK?" Dark snapped. 

Mark was quick to respond. "SHE WANTED TO BANG ME." 

Dark hissed and swore. "YOU DUMBFUCK!" He spat, "YOU JUST SCREWED US OVER!"

My heart stopped as I watched Dark snap the leg off the coffee table and held it above his head. He held Mark down by keeping one hand on his throat and straddling his legs so he couldn't move. Just as the Ipliers were about to spring into action to grab Dark, I let out a scream loud enough to shatter glass.

Everyone froze, including Dark and Mark who turned their heads to look at me. I slipped out of Wilford's arms, falling to my hands and knees, staring at Dark.

"Darkiplier... what the fuck are you doing?" I screamed, my lungs burning. Hot tears started to roll down my face as I watched Dark let go of Mark. 

As he stood up, two large black wings grew from his back. The bottoms of the wings grew longer, ending in long pink tips.

Dark flew over to me, picking up my body lightly from the floor. He flipped over onto his back laying horizontally in the air, my body resting across his. I wept into his chest, grabbing his ripped suit in fistfuls. His hands gently rested on the low of my back and onto the back of my head in an attempt to comfort me. My body throbbed with confusion and a million other emotions. I started to calm down after a few minutes. The silence was broken when Wilford spoke up.

"Dark...?" Wilford uttered, lost for words. Dark's chest vibrated lightly as he growled. He gently turned upwards so we were vertical before setting me down on the ground next to him. His marble eyes that were gleaming with a fiery red eventually vanished, and his normal black eyes returned.

We all turned to Mark who groaned loudly and painfully. Dark had fucked him up. My heart pounded as I stared at him lying on the floor, blood dripping from cuts on his face and nose, his black eye swollen shut. 

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now