Chapter 8 - "Dark didn't tell you, did he?"

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Chapter 8

"Dark didn't tell you, did he...?"

Dark's POV:

What the hell have I done...

Your POV:

The door opened slowly to reveal three figures standing in the doorway. My heart almost jumped out of my chest out of pure terror. I looked up to Dark who had an angry expression. He wouldn't take his eyes off of mine, but his mind was somewhere else. Dark growled quietly before speaking. 

"Why the hell are you here?" 

The first figure in the doorway chuckled quietly. "You know why." 

I recognized the voice almost immediately. But it couldn't really be him, could it? 

My thought was interrupted when a small syringe filled with a black fluid was tossed from a figure in the doorway onto the bed a few inches away from me. I turned my head and looked wide-eyed at the syringe, followed by Dark who glared at it, almost like he was hoping it would break. 

Another voice from the doorway spoke to Dark. "You already stole one, you know how to use it. You know what we want Darkiplier..." 

Dark turned his head back to me, staring into my eyes as he growled back to the figure: "If you hurt her I'll fucking kill you..." 

The figures laughed quietly with each other. "Calm down, we all know she's in the most danger with you," one of them stated. 

Tears started to form in my eyes as Dark's eyes faded to a dull blue. He picked the syringe slowly and rolled it around in his fingers for a moment, his face changing from anger to almost a guilty and sad look. My body froze unable to move as he removed one of my arms from his chest and straightened it out gently. 

"I'm so sorry, baby...," he whispered to me quietly before putting the needle into my arm. I winced and watched as he slowly pumped the liquid into my bloodstream. 

I felt as though I couldn't breathe. Why was he doing this to me? A tear escaped my eye and ran down my cheek as he removed the syringe. "D-dark...," I whimpered quietly "Why?" He sighed heavily and leaned down closer to me and spoke in a whisper so quiet I almost couldn't hear it 

"I will see you again soon, Kitten, I promise." He kissed me gently as my world started to blur.

 The figures in the doorway started to file into the room.

Dark's POV:

I watched (Y/N) as she fell into a deep sleep. I made a promise and I'm going to damn well keep it. I threw the syringe across the room and watched it as it hit the wall and shattered into pieces. "Are you happy now, assholes?" I snapped.

Your POV:

I woke up to the muttering of many voices. I kept my eyes closed in hopes that I could figure out who was talking. The familiar feeling of Dark's big white couch cradled my body, a soft blanket covering me and my black tank top back on. I was in the living room I guessed. A unique voice caught my attention and jumped me from my thoughts as I heard him speak. 

Wilford Warfstache.

My eyes flung open and I shot up quickly from my sleeping position. The talking came to an immediate stop as I looked around the room. 8 different versions of Mark were in the living room. Some were standing, others were sitting next to me and on the other ends of the large cornered couch. The room was silent for a few long seconds before Wilford, who was standing a few feet in front of me, smiled and announced: "She's awake!"

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now