Chapter 11 - Trusting Them

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Chapter 11

Trusting Them

Your POV:

The warm sun rays shining through the windows comforted my body in a warm blanket. I felt his arms still wrapped around me protectively, his fingers outstretched as to hold more of me. My hand with his red tie placed on his abs, my head on his heart - I was still in the same position as I was when we had fallen asleep. 

The sweet aroma of the room begged my eyes to open, but the blaring sunlight kept them shut. Tingles of pleasure ran through my body as I began to remember our night. He was so dominant yet gentle, so cold-hearted yet loving. Although I hadn't known Dark for long, the night we shared together made it feel like I had known him for years. Trust is something I find difficulty in doing, but his eyes seemed less empty before, and it gave me comfort knowing he wouldn't hurt me.

I bit my lip and sat up some, eyes still locked shut to keep out the bright light. Dark gave me so much love, he deserved some attention in return. I ran my hands up his sculpted abs to his chest and over his shoulders, memorizing his body with my hands. He gripped at my skin a little more as I floated my body closer to his, my head resting on his right shoulder. I waited a few seconds before slowly leaning in and kissing his neck lightly. He groaned low in his throat as I started to leave little love bites. He enjoyed this. A weakness. 

His hands dropped down to my hips, gripping them tighter. I giggled quietly, pulling away and sitting in his lap once more. I felt a thin fabric lightly rub against my ass as I sat on his lap. He didn't wear boxers going to sleep... did he? My eyes fought against the light and opened. I was blinded for a few seconds before my eyes met with his. 

My jaw dropped. His chocolate brown eyes met mine. The sun shined off of his topless body and tanned skin. I sat speechless for a few seconds, mouth wide open. He smiled, showing off his pearly whites in a cheeky grin. "You're good at that, (Y/N)."

I snatched the closest blanket and wrapped it around myself as quickly as possible, escaping his grasp and falling off the bed in the process. He was surprised by my sudden movements and sat up quickly. After a few seconds of struggling, I sat on the floor wrapped in a sheet, staring up at him. He chuckled at me quietly before I opened my mouth.


He was taken aback for a moment by my volume. I sat on the floor, eyes wide open and wild waiting for a response. He swung his legs over and sat on the side of the bed. 

"I didn't want you to wake up. We got rid of Dark around 3 am and you started to get restless. You needed sleep after your little 'act' with him. I figured I would be nice and let you sleep for a while longer."


"I didn't pretend to be anyone. I just held you so you could be comfortable."


"I tried to hold you with my clothes on first, but you kept trying to pull them off so I just did it myself."

"WHERE IS DARK?" I hissed.

By this time the stampede of Ipliers had all filed into the room, watching us yell at each other. 

"It's just better off you aren't with him, (Y/N). He can get you in serious trouble," Mark argued.


Wilford pushed his way through the crowd of Ipliers and stood between us. "Both of you quit it right now. (Y/N), Mark was only trying to help." 

Punk stepped closer to me, holding out a hand to help me up. I rolled my eyes and slapped his hand away as I stood up, being sure the blanket was still covering my nude body. I huffed, annoyed at all of them, and missing Dark. 

Tears started to sting at the edges of my eyes. I held them back. They weren't going to see me cry. "I don't understand why you all do this to me. Dark loves me and I love him. Why can't we just be together? Why can't you just leave us the hell alone?" I groaned. 

The Host stepped into view. "He is dangerous. We are doing this to protect you. You have to understand that."

"All you guys do is say he's dangerous and you won't give me a reason why. Are you all just jealous? Is that what this is about?" They all shook their heads 'no' in unison. A clear lie. They knew I wasn't falling for their bullshit answers. 

Dr. Iplier peeked his head over Google's shoulder. "We all might be a little jealous, but Dark is a literal danger. We don't hide him from you just because we're a little jealous." 

I sighed and shook my head slowly. Mark isn't the person who would so something so terrible out of jealousy, and I knew that. I took a deep breath and composed myself for a moment before continuing. "Fine. Have it your way. How long will you keep him away from me?" 

Mark stood up, crossing his arms. "I don't know. Until we feel it is safe for you. There is a lot going on right now and we need to figure everything out first. Please, just trust us, (Y/N)."

I thought it over for a few minutes. I was stranded here with a bunch of sexy guys - caring guys that could protect me if I needed it. There was no way in hell they would let me go anyways. I have no choice.  I nodded my head in agreement. "Fine. I trust you. One more question before you all get the fuck out," I added, motioning to the door and returning my eyes to Mark "Did you feel me up?" 

His face flushed a deep red before putting his hands up in a defensive manner. "No, I swear. I'm not that kind of guy." 

I nodded my head. "I didn't think you were. Now, everyone, get out." 

The Ipliers paused for a second, staring at my sheet wrapped body before slowly leaving the room. Mark started to close the door on his way out before he paused. I looked over to him once more. 

"I shouldn't have taken Dark's place. I'm really sorry, (Y/N). I hope you can forgive me." His chocolate brown puppy eyes showed genuine guilt. I was mad at him, but it's hard to stay mad at someone who was a part of saving your life. 

I nodded slowly. "It's okay, I understand." He smiled, happy that I had accepted his apology. He closed the door and left me to my own.

I stood in silence for a few moments before going to the closet and swinging open the doors. The clothes racks were stuffed full of all kinds of outfits of my size. I smiled as I ran my fingers over each outfit before picking one out and slipping it on. 

Dark's red tie was still wrapped around my wrist. For now, that was the only piece of him I had. I sat on the bed admiring the tie, smoothing my fingers over it. I lifted up my fingers when I noticed a different texture.

A tiny white corner of paper was sticking out from the tie. As I unknotted it slowly, the little slip of paper fell to the floor. Picking it up, I got instant butterflies in my stomach. Darkiplier and his sneaky ways to communicate. I opened the paper lightly, eager to see what he had written.


I don't know what they have planned for me, but I promise I will return to you as soon as I can. Be strong for me. No crying or when I get back you will surely be punished. Everything will be explained soon. You are safe with the others. You were amazing last night, Kitten. I loved seeing you underneath me. You make a demon beg for you, baby. I miss you already.

- The one who fucks you right (and don't you ever forget that)

My face flushed red at his dirty antics.

My heart dropped heavy.

It's going to be hard without him.

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now