Chapter 7 - "... I need you. Now."

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Credits to: for making the wonderful wolf eye I used for the chapter picture. It looks amazing! (Side note: this picture was not made for my chapter, I just thought it looked nice.)

Chapter 7
"...I need you. Now."

Your POV:

The chilly air of the snow wonderland vanished from my skin. The familiar warmth and comfort of the shadowy mansion embraced my body. The disappearance of my current dress was covered by a black tank top and jeans. Dark's suit was slowly turning into a black t-shirt and black jeans. 

My feet touched the familiar floor lightly as Dark placed me down. Looking up to the figure, I noticed his eyes had changed. The black marbles in the sockets had faded to a crimson color. This shade of red was the same color as the eye of the wolf on his tattoo. 

I had gotten used to Dark over the months I had spent here, but his every touch still made me flinch, and the change of his eyes made me uneasy. I backed up slowly a couple of steps, stopping when the back of my legs hit the foot of a bed that I hadn't seen before. It wasn't mine. Come to think of it, this wasn't my room. 

His stare was deeper than I had seen it before, the smirk on his lips made my stomach turn. "D-dark what are you doing?" I ask weakly. He smiled and chuckled, running his tongue across his top teeth slowly. He took a step closer to me. 

"You're scaring me, Dark. What's going on?" His smile widened, his eyes exploring my body before stepping closer to me once again, locking me against the bed with nowhere to go. "Dark...?" He moved his eyes to look into mine.

"What is it, baby?" His words made me shiver. He stretched out his hand gently and placed it on my hip. My body jolted as his touch. "You are afraid of me, aren't you?" 

I nodded. His fingers wrapped around the bottom of my shirt, lifting it over my head, revealing my black lace bra. My stomach was in knots. He bit his lip and leaned in, kissing my neck then pulling away. 

"I've waited too long (Y/N), I need you. Now." 

Before I could get out a response, he ripped off his black t-shirt then lifted me from my hips and tossed me onto the bed gently, a squeak escaping from my lips. He crawled on top me, his hands placed on either side of my neck, his eyes staring deep into mine. 

"I've been thinking about this moment since I first saw you. I can't hold back anymore... you're perfect." he ran his right hand down the side of my body while staring into my eyes. His words knocked the breath out of my lungs.

Questions ran around in circles rapidly through my brain. Why me? Why now? Was this about to happen? Am I ready? What if- 

Dark leaned down, our faces only inches away. My heart was beating rapidly as his eyes moved from mine down to my lips. His right hand now moved up to my cheek, stroking it before slowly moving down and wrapping around my neck gently, his thumb placed on my chin. He bit his lip. Dark's face moved closer to mine and I closed my eyes as he placed his lips on mine.

Dark's POV:

It took all the good in me to play nice with her. I had to fight against my dominant side, the side that told me to be rough, she can take it. 

But I didn't want to hurt her.

She is so scared of me, I sense it all the time. I need to show her how gentle this demon can really be, but I can't fall in love. 

It's dangerous for me... for her...

Your POV:

He pressed his lips against mine, gentle at first but soon got a little rougher. He growled quietly into my mouth as he pulled my face closer, his hand tightening slowly around my neck. His other hand running through my hair, pushing my head closer to his. 

My hands searched for a place to go, eventually landing in his jet black locks, pulling lightly, trying not to hurt him. I felt his smirk on my lips when I placed my hands in his hair. Dark's left hand traveled from my hair down behind my neck and stopped on my lower back. He pulled me closer against his sexy sculpted body. I fit perfectly against him, and it felt so right. The kiss roughened and became more passionate. Our heartbeats synched perfectly. 

For that moment, my brain shut down. The only thing I could focus on was the kiss. On him. My first kiss and the first time this sexy specimen had put his lips on mine since I got here. His kiss gentled. He pulled away slowly, opening his eyes as I opened mine. His eyes had turned completely into the eye of the wolf on his tattoo. It all made sense now, it was his real eye color.

We laid there for a few moments, panting together, staring into each other's eyes. Placing my hands on his chest, my heartbeat slowed to a gentle rhythm, matching with Dark's steady beat. He smiled as I bit my lip. He leaned down once more, but my breath hitched in my throat as we heard a faint noise. 

Dark's body froze, his muscles tightening, his hands gripping the sheets on either side of my head. He closed his eyes for a moment and waited, listened. We stayed silent and still for a moment, my blood running cold as I felt his chest start to heat up to a strange temperature, almost burning. I looked up at his eyes. They faded quickly back to the black marble as we heard the sound again. 

A knock at the bedroom door. My eyes darted to the door then back to him. 

He groaned quietly, "Shit..."

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now