Chapter 25 - Dream to Nightmare

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Chapter 25

Dream to Nightmare

—- POV:

"I fucking hate you. I HATE YOU," he shouted, "You had to let me through right then...," he wept, his voice fading.

"You have been dying to tell her, and I figured that was the perfect opportunity before I take what belongs to me."

Your POV:

"Leaving so soon, lass?"

My body jolted at the Irish accent. Mark groaned, turning towards the voice, followed by the others who also turned their bodies to look at him. I ignored Anti's playful remark and remained facing Mark in the cage next to me. I squeezed his hand slightly, trying my best to keep my composure. Dark had just done the worst thing imaginable, and now I had to deal with this fucker too.

He cackled quietly to himself as he floated over to the door of my cage before lowering himself to the ground. I could see him out of the corner of my eye, standing there, staring at me. My teeth clenched at the evil smirk on his face. I wanted nothing more than to punch him as hard as I could.

"Pretty little lass, standing on her own two feet. She's a strong one, don't you agree, Mark?" Anti gushed, acting as if he had just seen a foal stand on its feet for the first time. He turned his head towards Mark, prompting him to answer. Mark squeezed my hand tight, before responding: "Don't fucking touch her."

Anti laughed, rolling his eyes before turning his attention back to me. "How are we doing? A little sore? Dark is a little mean sometimes, huh?"

My blood boiled, and I ignored the questions. He was trying to get at me in a way he knew would hurt me. I closed my eyes and bit the inside of my lip, clenching down on it to keep my comments to myself. Anti repeated the question, this time in a lower and more annoyed tone of voice. I stood silent and motionless.

My eyes flung open as I felt a large hand snatch the front of my shirt. Mark yelled, letting go of my hand and pressing himself up against the bars of the cage once more. Anti held me up by the front of my shirt, crashing my body against the bars and forced me to look in his direction. His hands had turned back into the weird claws, and his eyes were wild with rage.

"When I ask you a question, you ANSWER ME!" He screamed, the sound echoing through the room. I clenched my jaw, ignoring him. His eyes dropped down to my shirt, which he could now see down due to the way he had grabbed me. He smirked, and, in a moment of anger, I spit directly into his eye. The other Ipliers gasped as Anti threw me down angrily. I took this chance to slide myself backward across the floor as quickly as I could while Anti was distracted. I glared at him as Anti wiped his eye calmly and stood silent for a moment.

I squeaked and all of the Ipliers watched helplessly as Anti ripped open the door to my cage, and marched over to me. I continued to inch backward until my back hit a wall, boxing me in. Mark screamed my name in a panic, the other Ipliers following his lead as Anti crouched down to my level.

"So we're going to do it that way?" He stated, in a questioning tone. I squeaked as he lashed out, grabbing both of my hands with one claw and placing the other claw on my stomach. I spit swears at him and Mark began to flip out again as Anti worked quickly, sliding his hand down my stomach and to the front of my jeans. I flailed around the best my weak body would let me, trying to get him to lose his grip. His claws caught the button on my jeans, undoing it, then grasped the zipper and pulled it down.

His claw wiggled into my jeans, grasping the waistband and ripped them down to my knees despite my frantic movements. I screamed, and, in the midst of panic, did the only thing I could think to do.

My teeth sank into the claw holding my hands, biting down as hard as I could. Anti took a second to process what was happening but screamed and yanked his claws away as soon as he noticed. He rose to his feet, stumbling backward screeching and swearing. Similar to a wild animal, I growled and spit at him, my short temper starting to get the best of me.

"You little slut," He snapped. Mark calmed down from his tantrum, letting out a quiet laugh at what has just unfolded before him. The other Ipliers followed, winking at me and praising me quietly for my terrible deed. 

"She's a ferocious one," Mark stated, glaring at Anti with a proud smile on his face.

Anti smiled evilly, still glaring down at me. "Fine," He hissed "Then we can let Dark take care of her."

My sly smile fell at his words. Now, instead of my dream, Dark was my worst nightmare.

Anti huffed and turned away, disappearing out of my cage and closing the door behind him. As he made his way floating back up the staircase and out of our sight, I pulled up my jeans and scooted my way back over to the wall of Ipliers, which were all now knelt down to my level. "You need to get out of here, now," I ordered. The Ipliers shook their heads in unison, a chorus of 'no', 'no way' and 'not without you' erupted from their mouths. I sighed heavily, sliding my hand through the bars. Mark took it gently, the other Ipliers wrapping their hands around my wrist and forearm. All of their chocolate brown puppy dog eyes stared at me sadly, Mark's especially, staring into my soul, tugging on my heartstrings.

"Look, I know you don't want to hear this, but maybe... if he kills me...," I began. Mark shook his head, cutting me off.

"No. Absolutely not. We will get out of here, I promise."

I laughed quietly, moving my eyes away from his for a moment before turning back to him. "A Markiplier promise?"

He smiled, shaking his head slowly. "No, a real promise."

The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs prompted me to pull my arm away from the Ipliers. Everyone turned their attention to the staircase, where Dark and Jim appeared in the archway. Jim stood off to the side of the staircase, leaning against the wall while messing around with some object in his hand - a security camera hookup I guessed, it looked similar to a tablet.

Dark stepped up to my cage, unlocking it and swinging the door open slowly. He stated my name quietly, extending his arm and showing me in a slow motion to exit the cage. I avoided his eye contact, remaining still in my place on the cold floor. A part of me hated him, but the other part told me that there is no way this could be the real Dark, and if it was, I was better off dead.

"(Y/N)," he repeated softly, coaxing me to move. I still ignored his command, unmotivated to get up as the other Ipliers looked on. After a moment, Dark took a few steps closer to me, a few feet away. I peered up at him, his dull eyes and expressionless face looking back at me. "Come," he ordered in a gentle tone. I sighed, pushing myself to my feet as best I could. All of my energy had been sucked out of me, and my limbs felt weak and heavy.

After a couple of steps, I tripped over my own foot and fell towards him. This time Dark caught me, but quickly swept up my body and threw me over his shoulder once again. I accepted the painful position without putting up a fight, thinking to myself what to do.

Mark's sad puppy eyes moved as he watched Dark adjust me on his shoulder before turning around and heading up the stairwell. My head swam with the only two ideas I had:

Make Dark himself again, or die trying. 

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now