Chapter 14 - Stupidity Leads To Saving

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                             ----> Credits to Tom aka gober_mouch on Instagram for his fabulous art and the main inspiration for this chapter! Go check him out his art is awesome!

Chapter 14

Stupidity Leads To Saving

Your POV:

The next morning around 3 o'clock I slid out of bed and tiptoed downstairs. Everyone had been too tired to put away all of the paintball items from the day before. Lucky me. I grabbed a gun and a mask along with whatever ammo I could find. I wrapped a large black blanket around the items, snuck back into Dark's room and placed the blanket under the bed. I really had no particular reason to steal it, but maybe it would serve useful if any of the Ipliers started pissing me off or if I'm in some sort of danger. After that, I quickly slipped back underneath the sheets and fell asleep.

Crashing around and swearing coming from the kitchen woke me up around 8 o'clock. I sighed heavily and rolled out of bed. I got dressed in blue jeans and a tank top before making my way down the spiral staircase and into the kitchen. 

I watched as Wilford rummaged around in cupboard looking for god knows what. The island was filled with miscellaneous ingredients and cookware. He chuckled evilly to himself as he looked through the cupboards, completely unaware of my existence. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to the living room where all the Ipliers were doing an assortment of things.

The Host sat silently on the couch as he always does, Jim and Google were playing a game on the Xbox, Punk was reading a book, The King was sitting cross-legged on the rug with a little squirrel in his hands, Sexy was laying on the floor doing crunches, Dr. Iplier was fiddling with some sort of liquid in a bottle and Mark just sat on the couch motionless, deep in thought. I jumped over the back of the couch and plopped down between Mark and Punk who were taken by surprise. Punk slammed his book shut and Mark yelped quietly, turning his head towards me.

"Jesus you're like a little ninja," Mark commented, his hand resting across his chest in a panicky stance. I smiled to myself, shrugging my shoulders. 

"I figured you would have already known that since I beat your ass at paintball yesterday," I boasted. Mark chuckled, punching my shoulder lightly. Punk sighed, flipping through the pages of his book. 

"Thanks, beautiful, you made me lose my page," He groaned playfully. 

"Page 269," Host stated. Punk rolled his eyes. 

"Thanks, Smarty Pants."

A few moments later, Wilford strolled into the living room balancing 4 pans in his hands and on his arms. He set them down on the coffee table in front of the couch and everyone turned to look at him. 

I took a second to glance at his attire: his regular outfit covered by a pink apron which as supposed to read 'kiss the cook', but he had sewed on a patch so the apron now read 'stab the cook'. I choked back a laugh. Such a typical thing for Wilford to do. He was a softie and very kind, but he also had a hell of a lot of crazy too.

Everyone stared at him, wondering what exactly he had planned. It was the last day of the month, also known as Wilford's activity day. He rubbed his hands together through the yellow oven mitts before taking out a knife and stabbing it into the pan. We all stared at him in silence until Punk spoke up.

"Wilford, what the fuck is that? And what are you doing?" He questioned. Wilford continued to giggle satanically for a moment before motioning to the pans. 

"These, my friends, are brownies. But, they are not just any brownies, mind you. These, are pot brownies," Wilford stated. Mark groaned, putting a hand over his face for a moment before removing it. 

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