Chapter 32 - Without Her

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Chapter 32

Without Her

Narrator POV:

Days passed by, and three weeks had come to an end. All of the Ipliers were weighed down by sadness and loss. There was no hope left, and all of them knew that.

Dr. Iplier had come into Dark's room and coaxed him out of bed around 10:00 one night. Dark was reluctant and held tight to her body, not wanting to let her go.

"It's alright, Dark. She will be ok on her own for a few minutes. We're not going to take her away from you. We just want to talk to you," Dr. explained calmly.

After a few more minutes of ensuring him that she would be alright, Dr. Iplier was able to convince Dark to climb out of bed.

He led Dark, who required a lot of continuous coaxing, down to the living room where all the others had gathered. They stood up from their seats and made a small circle that Dark and Dr. Iplier joined in. Mark tapped Dark on his shoulder gently, getting Dark's attention.

"I was thinking about what you said the other day, and...we owe you an apology. Me especially," Mark began, "You were right. We should have trusted you. You're our brother."

Dark nodded, taking a deep breath in and releasing it. "Thank you. I'm in the wrong too. (Y/N) was right, I never should have left without warning."

The others nodded, half-smiles appearing on their faces.

"I dragged her... all of you... into this mess. And now, she's the one paying for my mistakes," Dark whispered, making contact with each Iplier.

Mark shook his head. "You did the right thing. If Anti had gotten to her first, who knows what could have happened."

All of the Ipliers agreed, then went silent. After a few moments, they turned their heads to Dr. Iplier, who avoided Dark's eye contact.

"Everyone else already knows," Dr. began, letting out a breath, "I'll give her until tomorrow morning. If she's not responsive by then..."

Dark huffed, putting his hands over his face, shaking his head slowly. Dr. Iplier nodded, placing a hand on Dark's shoulder.

"There is no improvement, Dark. She can't keep suffering. We will leave you alone with her for the night. I will come in and check up on you and her in the morning. We can discuss everything else then."

Dark nodded, pulling away from Dr. Iplier. He turned away and headed for the stairs, swiping a vase of flowers off of a table as he passed by, letting out an angry growl.

The beautiful vase shattered, and the water spread across the floor. The flowers lay still, their beautiful petals now resting in the puddle of water.

Nobody cared enough to clean it up.

They gathered together again, tears rolling from their eyes. Mark's face had a sorrowful expression, and his heart felt hollow.

Tomorrow, he would have to say goodbye.


As soon as Dark hit the top of the stairs, tears began to run down his face. The tears were no longer black, and he let out a pained cry as he continued down the hallway slowly.

He held his hand out, dragging his fingers across the grey walls. When they caught on a painting, he took a swipe and the painting fell to the floor. He continued down the hall like this, sweeping painting after beautiful painting off of the wall.

Without her, the beauty faded from his world.

Dark arrived back to his room and kicked the cracked open door with his heel. He paused in the doorway, his eyes immediately spotting something out of place.

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now