Chapter 35 - History

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Chapter 35


Narrator POV:

He pulled away slowly and reluctantly after a few moments. He smiled down at her, pulling her in with both of his hands wrapped around her waist. He hugged her as tight as he could without hurting her, and her hands rested on his shoulder blades. Dark took a deep breath in, then released it.

"I'm going to miss you," he whispered, pulling away slightly and bringing one hand up to her cheek.

"Miss me how?" She giggled.

"You're going back," Dark stated, avoiding eye contact, trying to have a stern tone.

"Back? Back where?"

"To live with Mark, to have a normal life. We agreed that's what's best for you."

(Y/N)'s smile dropped, and she let out a heavy sigh. "Not this bullshit again," she muttered, "I'm not going back, Dark. I'm staying right here. With you."

"I'm not asking you. I'm telling you," Dark snapped.

"And I'm telling you that I'm not going back," she hissed.

Dark let out a groan. "I'm not fighting with you on this, (Y/N)."

"Good, we don't have to fight about it 'cuz I'm not fuckin' going," she retaliated.

Dark sighed and lightened his grip as she wiggled around in his arms. She made an attempt to step away from him, but her legs gave way and she fell to the floor. Though she was not strong enough to walk, she was able to catch herself from hitting the floor too hard.

Dark watched in silence as she crabbily sat up and avoided his eyes. After a moment, he lowered himself and kneeled down next to her on the floor.

"It's what's best for you, (Y/N). You can't keep living in a fantasy world like this. I know you don't like it but-"

"What I don't like is when you make decisions for me," she snapped, pointing a finger at him, "I make my own decisions and I'm telling you right now that I am not going. I'll talk to Mark later."

"I already discussed everything with Mark. We agreed on a well-thought-out plan. You will go back with him, and he said I could stay out of his body and live in the mansion. The others are staying out too-"

"Then they can live here in the mansion?"

Dark scoffed. "Like hell they are. You and Mark think so similarly."

"We may think similar but we don't have the chemistry like you and I do," (Y/N) argued.

Dark groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. (Y/N) sighed heavily, and they sat in silence for a moment, radiating annoyance at each other. She took a deep breath and beckoned Dark to look at her.

"Dark, listen to me. You fell in love with me first, not Mark. We fit like puzzle pieces, Dark. We just click like that."

Dark nodded, taking in a deep breath, he began to talk, but (Y/N) waved him off.

"Mark is different than you are, and we could work but not as well. He needs someone who fits his personality better. Yes he loves me, yes I love him, but I love you more. I love Mark as a friend, and I realize that now after making my mistakes. I'm not going to spend my life with Mark, thinking about you every second. He doesn't deserve that. And though he would deny it, he would always have that feeling eating away at him knowing that I would rather be with you.

As far as a fantasy world goes, it doesn't have to be. We could move somewhere else, closer to a town, I could get a job to keep me busy. I could get friends, and go to school, and go grocery shopping like a normal person, Dark."

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now