Chapter 24 - Because I Love You

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Chapter 24

Because I Love You

Your POV:

My eyes blinked gently as I came to. The sun was just beginning to come up over the horizon, the whole world painted in a beautiful orange and yellow tint. I rubbed my eyes gently, groaning at the uncomfortable position. I was still draped over Dark's shoulder, his hands gripping the back of my legs so I wouldn't fall. I blinked my eyes some more, trying to gain my senses and an idea of where we were. Sexy, Google, Dr. Iplier, and Jim followed behind us as Dark continued to walk forwards. I looked behind the Ipliers, noticing that we had just stepped into a clearing surrounded by a dark forest, similar to Dark's mansion. Their shoes clicked against the stone path that we were making our way across.

I twisted around on Dark's shoulder to get a better look at where we were headed. My eyes widened at the beautiful sight before me. 

A large stone castle with a sea green roof stood behind a small bush garden. Large round pots filled with roses were set upon the rails on the walkway which lead us closer to the building. Many green bushes were scattered across the front lawn, and pretty yellow flowers circled the perimeter. A few tall lampposts stood proudly in front of the garden. Similar to Dark's mansion, it seemed like something that was taken out of a movie; like it wasn't even real.

"What's the deal with this castle?" I asked, "It's pretty cool, but I feel like the mansion suits your personality better."


I rolled my eyes. "Dark? Don't you think?"

"Yes, I like my mansion better, but this is a safe place for now," He mumbled. I sighed heavily. He's still being pissy. 

"Dark, can you put me down now? I think I can walk," I reasoned. 

"You're not capable of walking," he muttered. I rolled my eyes again.

"Why not?" I prompted.

"Because I fucked the energy out of you last night."

My jaw dropped. I could hear the others giggling quietly, smirks planted on their faces. Dark is the last person that I would expect to say anything about our experience inside the bedroom, especially around the other Ipliers. He is always so secretive with everything else, so what caused him to spit it out so bluntly?

"Dark, please," I whispered, "Not in front of the others."

"Quiet. No more talking," he snapped. I groaned, turning back around admiring the bush garden, which was now behind us as we walked through the large wooden doors of the castle.

As we entered the castle, it was almost like a switch had flipped, completely changing the interior of the castle. What I expected was a beautifully lit castle with lots of sunlight, plants, and flowers all around. Instead, what it was, was a hideous, gloomy hallway. 

The walls were made of the same stone as outside, but horrifically darker and uglier. Torches lit up the walls and the different hallways that all connected to this main hall, no windows or natural light in sight. Although Dark's mansion was mostly black and other dull colors, it had an elegance and fanciness to it. This place looked like it was taken out of a horror movie.

As we continued down the hallway, the temperature started to drop quickly, to the point where I was shivering. Something about this place was off. I looked around the walls, trying to make more sense of where we were. As I did so, Sexy and I locked eyes for just a moment. I squinted in confusion for a second, staring at his big brown eyes. He seemed less himself and more... robotic? Sexy had a hard time keeping his mouth shut, and in the full 10 minutes I had been awake he had said nothing. Nada.

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now