Chapter 23 - ...Kitten

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Chapter 23


Your POV:

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulders violently. I groaned and turned over slowly onto my back, my body still weak from the energy loss. Dark loomed over me, still shaking my shoulder. I sighed heavily, pushing his arm away. 

"Dark it's so early... what do you want?" 

He stepped away, staring down at me. 

"Don't get smart with me," He snapped. 

I sat there confused for a second before sitting up slightly. "What?" I asked. 

He sighed, stepping away and pacing around the room as he pulled up his pants and searched for the rest of his clothing. 

"Sorry, I'm just a little stressed out, that's all. Something happened. I didn't mean to be short with you... Kitten."

"What happened?" I questioned. 

I watched as Dark struggled to find the rest of his outfit and put it on as quickly as possible. "Get out of bed, get dressed, we need to leave. Now." 

I stared at him in confusion. He had completely ignored my question. 

"Dark, what's going on? You're making me nervous." 

He rolled his eyes, stepping over to the side of the bed and hoisting me out of it by my arm. Considering I had lost a lot of energy the night before, my body was almost limp as a rag-doll. Dark made an attempt to set me up on my feet, but my body failed to follow through, and I fell down to the ground on all fours. He groaned out of frustration, slapping a hand over his eyes. 

"For fuck's sake just get up and get dressed we have to go," He snarled.

I looked up, my face scrunching into an angry gaze. 

"Excuse you? Why don't you help me? You're the one who fucked me into a lack of energy last night!" I barked. 

His eyes widened slightly, then his face melted into some sort of a smirk. 

"You're right, sorry, I forgot that your energy gets low." 

I sighed heavily, displeased with his answer. This attitude better just be from him being stressed out.

He pulled me up from under my arms and set me back down on the bed. We struggled for a few minutes while he helped to dress me into last night's outfit. Just as he was slipping on my shoes, the door to the room swung open. Sexy, Google, Dr. Iplier, and Jim filed into the room without a word. I groaned quietly, rolling my eyes. 

"Do you guys ever knock?"

"This isn't time to be sassy, (Y/N). We need to go, now," Dark muttered. 

I sighed, pushing myself up off of the bed. My legs wobbled as I gained some control before falling over towards Dark, who stepped out of the way. 

My body hit the floor hard, almost knocking my face off the ground. I rolled over onto my back, groaning in pain. 

"Why didn't you catch me, asshole? I almost just smacked my face off the floor. Jesus Christ what's wrong with you...," I muttered. 

Dark huffed before picking me up off of the floor and throwing me over his shoulder like a bag of flour. I growled quietly, displeased with the uncomfortable position.

"Okay, time to go," Dark stated in a monotone voice, making his way out of the room with me. The others followed close behind. 

"Wait, where is everyone else?" I asked. 

Again, no response. I started to beat Dark's back with my fist, asking him the question over and over again. Just because he was stressed out, doesn't mean he's got the right to be a jerk to me. I stopped and let out a yelp when I felt a sharp pain on my behind. I whipped my head around the best I could, glaring at the back of Dark's head. 

"Did you just fucking spank me?"

"Yes, I did. It shut you up pretty good. The others are meeting us there. Now be quiet, no more questions," He spat. 

I sighed heavily and zipped my mouth shut. My energy was too low to spend it putting him in his place. Despite the uncomfortable position, it didn't take long for me to fall asleep again. Even though whatever was going on seemed serious and he still hadn't answered my questions, I needed as much energy as possible in order to deal with whatever was coming next. 


A little while ago Tyler made a tweet about returning to his streaming. I am glad to hear that he is doing better. I'm also very happy to know that Mark is home safe and sound and had lots of fun filming in Texas. Tomorrow is his birthday, so be sure to keep that in mind as you go about your day. He has proved to all of us that age is just a number and that no matter how old you get, your greatness, creativity, inspiration, and passion will never die out when doing something that you love.

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