Chapter 10 - "This is when I make you mine" (XXX)

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Chapter 10

"This is when I make you mine"

Your POV:

His lips locked onto mine roughly. I squeak as he pushed me down onto the bed, crawling on top of me, his lips still on mine. He pulled away slowly and opened his eyes. 

The crimson color returned. I sat frozen and staring as he straddled my thighs, kneeling on his knees. In a swift motion, he pulled off his blazer and started to unbutton the first few buttons on his white shirt. He stared intently into my eyes as he pulled off his red tie. 

Taking my left wrist, he wrapped his tie around it into a little bow. 

"That's my favorite tie, keep it safe..." 

He bit his lip as he leaned down to me, his strong arms resting on the bed on either side of my head. 

"I lust you, (Y/N)." 

My heart began to beat out of my chest as his eyes moved from mine down the curves of my body. 

"P-please don't hurt me Dark...," I whimpered. Although he was looking quite handsome, he was also fairly frightening. His eyes returned to mine. 

"It will hurt at first, but I only wish pleasure for you, baby," he responded, his voice deepening.

Flickers of lightning lit up the room, illuminating shadows across the walls with help from the light of the full moon. The look of concern on my face was obvious to him. 

"I'll go slow. Trust me, (Y/N)," he whispered, his lips grazing my neck, goosebumps rising in his wake. I took a few deep breaths and nodded.

 "I haven't done this before, Dark...," I whispered. He let out a low laugh, smirking wildly. 

"I know. I will do all the work. Relax, baby. This is our night..." 

His lips connected to my neck and I moaned quietly as he pulled up on my shirt with one hand, grazing his hand over my stomach, making me flinch. After ripping off my shirt, he slid down the bed and unbuttoned my jeans, pulling them down quickly and throwing them to the floor. Hovering back over me, he stared down at my lacy bra. 

"Take it off...," he whispered demandingly, yet seductive. 

Shivers ran up my spine, remembering those words from my first night here. I shook my head slowly, avoiding his lustful gaze. He sighed and sat back down on his knees between my legs. Taking my hands gently, he slowly pulled my body up into a sitting position. 

"Why not?" he asked quietly. He rested his hand on the side of my face, and his thumb swiped over my cheek softly. 

"There's not much under there," I muttered quietly, nuzzling into his hand. He leaned forward, placing a kiss on my forehead softly before pressing his head against mine. 

"Keep your eyes on mine, beautiful." His fingers pulled at the clasp on my bra, snapping it apart.

Pulling it away slowly, he kept his crimson eyes staring into mine as he tossed my bra to the ground.

Narrator POV:

He brought his hands up to her body slowly, touching her hips. A gentle ease had been put upon her body that kept her still and for the first time without a flinch as Dark's hands traveled up her body and to her chest. 

He massaged her breasts slowly, ensuring only pleasure for her. His reward in return - quiet whines escaping her throat. 

Placing his large hand across her stomach, he gently pushed her back down onto the bed. The demon sitting between her legs left her nowhere to move and nothing to do besides stare into his lustful eyes. His index fingers wriggled through the waistband of her panties, pulling them off in a swift movement before returning to her legs, spreading them slowly. 

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now