Chapter 37 - Loves Him More

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Chapter 37 - Loves Him More

Your POV:

As Mark carried me through the spiraling hallways, I unintentionally let out a heavy sigh. His frowning face perked up a bit, and he arched one eyebrow slightly.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, sorry," I apologized, "I'm just not used to being cared for and carried everywhere. I hate being this weak. It's driving me crazy."

Mark's frown melted and he smiled slightly. "I'm sure it does. Remember the first time we met? You held me against the wall and screamed at me. I honestly thought you were going to try and strangle me."

I let out a laugh and shrugged my shoulders. "I kind of wanted to on the inside, but at the same time I didn't. You can't beat answers out of a dead person."

Mark chuckled and shook his head slowly at me. We entered the library, and he set me down onto the loveseat in the middle of the room. As he took a seat beside me and I looked up to him, his smile faded. I let out a sigh again, my smile fading as well.

It's going to be difficult to tell him, but he has to know.

"Let's make this quick and easy. I'm not-"

"-going home with me," Mark finished, moving his eyes to the floor, a small but defeated smile on his lips. He let out a sigh, his heart cracking on the inside. "I know you wouldn't go with me. You love him."

I nodded, shifting in my seat next to him. That was surprisingly easy... too easy.

"So... what? You're not going to yell at me? Or at least fight with me about it?" I asked.

Mark shrugged his shoulders, leaning back in the loveseat. He dragged his hands down his face before shaking his head. "No, God no," he muttered, "You have your mind made up, and I know that nothing can stop you once that's happened."

I nodded, reaching out for his hand. Reluctantly, he placed his hand in mine, and I covered it with my other hand. We sat in silence for a moment, looking at each other before I spoke up.

"I want you to know that though I feel guilt for what I did, I don't regret it," I stated, and Mark's eyebrow arched again. I nod to him, confirming my previous statement. "Dark has decided to forgive me, but I think being with you made me realize how much more I love Dark. You and I... we don't match, Mark. You need someone who fits you better, who thinks of you when they hear the word 'love'."

Mark agreed, nodding glumly. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes before opening them again. "I'm sorry for confusing you... for trying to force you to choose me. It's my fault that we... you know... in the first place."

"It's both our faults, Mark," I assured him, "I just don't want to live my life with someone I only love as a friend. Or even worse, for you to have an unsatisfying life because you know I would want to be with someone else. One-sided love never works."

Mark nodded slowly, taking in my words.

"I believe that you can love more than one person. You will find that person, Mark. With time, she will come to you."

A smile appeared on Mark's face as he nodded, deciding that I was right. Letting go of his hand, my arms open up and I coax him in for a hug. He accepts it, wrapping his arms around me.

This is difficult for him, I know, but he will eventually find someone else he has a stronger bond with. Someone who loves him more.

We stayed there for a few minutes, holding each other tightly before letting go. He scooped me up gently from the loveseat and carried me back to the living room. The other Ipliers were all seated on the giant couch, and I was pleased to see that Dark had joined them.

Dark got up from his seat, making a space for Mark to sit me down. I relaxed back into the couch, letting out a breath. Dark, Mark and the others all shared glances at each other, thinking about the next step.

"Well, what now?" I asked.

Mark and Dark turned to each other before turning back to me.

"We go home," they say in unison.

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now