Chapter 31 - Scares Me

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Chapter 31

Scares me

Narrator POV:

The others returned Anti back to Sean's body without difficulty, and Sean assured them that he would keep a close eye to ensure that Anti would not escape again. As they arrived back to the mansion, they were shocked to hear about (Y/N)'s state. Dr. Iplier explained everything to them as he had to Dark.

They talked amongst each other trying to form their best plan on what to do. Because there was no longer any danger and they all had to play the waiting game, Wilford insisted that Mark come back from his hiatus. Reluctantly, Mark agreed once all of the others coaxed him to do the same. Being away from his channel so long was difficult, and he was welcomed back with open arms by his community. Although it was good to be back, his mind was in a different place. Anytime he didn't spend making videos or editing them, he spent back at the mansion with his alters.

In the coming days, Dark laid by her side every second, his eyes glazed over, and his body numb with worry. He ate barely anything and only moved when forced out of bed by the others. When Dark was finally forced out of bed just long enough to eat, drink, change and relieve himself, one of the others took his place. Too weak to get upset about it, Dark allowed Mark to take over whenever he was available. If not, Punk or Wilford would take over.

Often times, Mark would welcome himself into Dark's bedroom and sit silently on a chair in the corner, staring at (Y/N)'s lifeless body. Dark was annoyed by this, but simply too worried and weak to waste his breath telling Mark to go away. He had black circles under his eyes, his hair was unkempt, his skin seemed more pale than usual. A shell of a man that once was. During times when Mark was gone and the room was cold and silent, Dark spent his time weeping black tears for her.

One morning as Mark made his way into Dark's room, he was taken aback as Dark lifted his head: his eyes had a noticeable change. Mark made his way over to the side of the bed, stopping a few feet from Dark. They stared at each other in silence for a few moments, Mark's face twisted into a squint.

"What the hell are you looking at?" Dark growled, allowing his head to drop back down on the pillow next to hers. He twisted strands of her hair through his fingers gently, sighing heavily as he did so.

"It's just... your eyes... they changed," Mark responded.

Dark nodded glumly, closing his eyes: black pupils surrounded by white. It looked almost... normal. They seemed to now show more expression than before.

"Will already told me when I had to get up this morning. I spent too much of my time cry-" he caught his words "-never mind," he huffed, "My tattoo faded away also. I don't know why. Guess it didn't serve a purpose anymore. Shouldn't have served one in the first place."

Mark nodded silently, stepping over to the corner of the room and dragging the chair back with him. He sat down quietly, and Dark lifted his head again. Mark sighed heavily, sitting in silence.

Although Dark was annoyed by Mark's presence, it was kind of nice to have someone else around. He had a hatred for Mark, for all of them at the moment, but he had bigger concerns than getting apologies. Dark let out a breath, the tears stinging at the edges of his eyes once again. All of his emotions had built up, and he needed to let some out.

"She could die not knowing that I tried to save her, Mark. That it wasn't me who did this. I don't want her to die thinking I hurt her, betrayed her," he whispered, his voice shaky with concern. Mark shook his head slowly.

"She knows that it wasn't you, Dark," Mark responded, shifting in his seat, "And maybe this isn't the best time to talk about this, but if she gets better... it's dangerous here for her, Dark."

"How so?" Dark snaps, "Anti is gone. She is safe."

"It would be better if she was with me. She needs a normal life," Mark explained calmly. Dark let out a quiet growl, glaring at Mark.

"This is a fantasy world. She can't live the rest of her life like this. I don't say that to try and steal her away from you, Dark. I say it because it's what's best for her."

Dark's angry face melted to a frown, remembering their night under the stars. She was stubborn, but he was right. Although he wanted nothing more than to keep her close, Mark was... also right. They shared the same idea: she needed a normal life.

"I know...," Dark sighed. Mark nodded, and the room fell silent for a moment.

"You don't have to go back into my body, Dark, if you don't want to. I think I will let the others stay out as well. And I know it's not the same, but maybe they could stay with you? You might be little less lon-"

"Like hell, I would be. Little fuckers might try to lock me into the basement again."

"That was an accident, Dark. We thought-"

"None of you trusted me. THAT was your problem," Dark hissed, dropping his head back down.

Mark let out a heavy sigh and rose to his feet. He dragged the chair back to the corner of the room and set it down. He made his way towards the door and opened it, pausing for a moment to look back at (Y/N).

Her body still seemed cold, pale, lifeless.

Dark lifted his head again, and Mark's eyes landed on his.

"Its been two and a half weeks...," Mark whispered.

Dark nodded, a black tear streaming down his cheek. "I know," he whimpered, "and that's what scares me."

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now