Chapter 3 - "...If I should heal you, or let you thrive in pain..."

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Chapter 3
"...If I should heal you, or let you thrive in pain..."

Your POV:

You wake up startled at the sound. Your body starts to shake and fear runs up your spine at the sudden awakening. The blankets hiding you are snatched up and thrown across the room, causing a slightly surprised screech to escape your lips. He glares down at you, and to get away from his evil stare, you slide up to the backboard of the bed. He follows you slowly, walking up beside the bed. 

"It is morning. Time for your punishment..." his marble eyes reflect your shocked face, and he smirks slightly. "I'll ask one more time-" he reaches out to touch your shoulder "-take it off..." 

You take a deep breath and close your eyes to compose yourself. After a moment, you open your eyes and glare at him, pushing away his hand, snapping: "I already fucking told you. I won't do it." 

He stares at you in silence for a moment before pointing to the closet across the room and says in an angry tone: "Put it on and come to the bathroom. Down the hall, third on the left." He gets up and leaves the room, slamming the door behind him. 

You huff and crawl out of the bed, stepping over to the closet and open it to find one item - a black bathing suit. In a small fit of rage, you slam the closet door shut. Taking a deep breath and deciding that obeying is a better chance at escaping than not listening, you open the closet door again. Rolling your eyes, you slip into it quickly, showing as little skin as possible in case he was lurking in the shadows. Fucking creep. Grabbing the large comforter from the floor, you wrap it around yourself and head to the bathroom. 

The hallway walls were dark grey, a nice change of color from the black room. Many small chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and the walls were decorated with beautiful, brightly colored paintings. The floor was chilly beneath your feet, but the stone pattern was simply elegant.

Forcing yourself away from admiring this creeps home, you continue down the hallway and enter the bathroom, the door closing behind you seemingly by itself. 

The bathroom was huge, simply put. The floor made from a light grey marble, the walls a light shade of grey. A huge window looking over a lake was across the room and to your right, a big glass shower. In the middle of the room was a large bath. The large sink and vanity to your left were complete with a shiny mirror and stone counters. It was like you had never seen before, a bathroom fit for the rich.

The comforter is pulled from your body and thrown to the floor, causing you to jump. He stands behind you and pulls your hips up against his body, which was now wearing just black swim shorts. You gasp quietly and flinch at his touch. He leans down slightly and whispers in your ear: "The punishment begins now, beautiful. Go get in the shower for me." 

You sigh angrily, and he removes his hands from your hips. You decide to ignore his existence and don't turn back to look at him as you begin to walk away. As you near the shower, he flashes in and opens the door. You step in and he shuts it behind you. 

"What now?" You snap. He says nothing and grins evilly as he turns the shower on. You stay out of the way of the water as the steam starts to rise to the ceiling and floats around the room. He stands there, staring at you, standing still as a statue. You glare back at him, crossing your arms over your body. 

Once the steam is thick in the shower, he steps under and motions for you to move forward. Reluctantly, you step forward slowly and put your hand under the falling water. You shriek and draw your hand back, cursing under your breath as the skin on your hand burns from the boiling water. He laughs quietly at you, earning a slight growl from you in response.

"Get under the water, or I'll make you,"  he states. You shake your head, still clutching your sore hand. 

"It's too hot. I'll get burned," you contradict sternly. His black eyes darken as he steps out from under the water. Once again, he backs you against the wall before spinning you around forcefully. He pushes your chest against the wall, pulling your hands behind your back and takes your wrists in his hands tightly. 

"Disobeying me is the wrong choice." 

You roll your eyes as he quickly pulls you under the water, watching it pitter-patter onto your back. The water boils and burns your skin as you screech out: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" hoping he will feel some sort of guilt. 

He smirks and lets go of your hands, allowing your body to drop to the floor. You land on your knees still under the shower and in too much pain to move as your back blisters from the water. He watches in silence as you cry out in pain for a few more seconds.

To your surprise, he falls to his knees behind you, resting his muscular abs and chest on your back, wrapping his arms around your waist, shielding you from the water. You wheeze and cry out from the pressure of his body on your scorching burns. He leans into your ear and speaks in a deep tone: "I am Darkiplier and you are my pet, my slave. You made bad choices, so, I had to punish you so you could learn your lessons..." 

As tears roll from your eyes, you think about the stories you've read about this guy. A crazy demon that has no end for his lust, a harsh and cruel man that could never be tamed. 

"I know who you are...," you whimper. 

"Good. You will learn more as time goes on," he states, reaching back to turn off the water, "This is the first thing you need to know...," he continues, sitting up slightly. You flinch as you feel him trail his tongue down your spine seductively. You shake and whimper, trying to keep your angry moans quiet as he continues dragging his tongue across your burns. Every stroke of his tongue cools the burn and gives you chilling relief from the blisters.

You sigh in relief as the pain fades, allowing your body to relax slightly. Darkiplier lifts you up and turns you over to sit down on the floor, his eyes on yours.

"Anything I do to you I can fix, it just depends on how respectful you are that makes the decision if I should heal you, or let you thrive in pain..." 

You wince as he says the words. He places his hand on your hip before running his hand up and down your side slowly. You sit frozen in shock, too numb to push his hand away.

"Get dressed and come to the stairs, I want to give you a tour of our house..." 

You hold your breath as Darkiplier leans in, pressing a kiss to your neck. Your body flinches at the gentle gesture. You continue to sit still as he pulls himself up off of the floor. He stares down at you, a smirk on his face.

"Don't keep me waiting," he whispers. And with that, he disappears again. 

The touch of his hands and his kiss still linger as you sit there, stunned.

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now