Chapter 2 - His Marking

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Chapter 2
His Marking

Mysterious voice POV:

I watched her slowly pass out from all the pain. Didn't know it would hurt that much. Not that I care - this is nothing compared to the things I could do to her. 

I pry open the shackles and lift her off the ground. She was the perfect body shape and so easy to carry around. That would be handy for me later. Bleiz paced at my feet with his large paws and bloody lips, licking them clean as I carried (Y/N) to a bedroom and laid her on the bed, taking off her ripped shirt. She was beautiful in that bra of hers made from a dark red lace. I wanted so badly to touch her, I had waited so long already. It was killing me to hold back from nibbling at her perfect skin. I wrapped the bite with a white silk cloth. Her blood would taste so good, but I would rather taste it when she was conscious so she could watch me lick the blood from her body in the dirtiest way possible, just to frighten her further. As quiet moan came from her lips, I snuck into the shadows once more.

Your POV:

The room is dark when you open your eyes and notice your shirt has gone missing, the bite was wrapped in silk, and you laid on a king-size bed decorated with black blankets and pillow sheets. Your arm has a slight numbness to it and you move it around slightly, groaning in annoyance. 

"Now, that didn't hurt that bad did it, baby?" 

The voice was back, and a figure stepped out from the shadows. Taking in his tall stature, you become slightly uneasy. "W-who the fuck are you? What do you want from me?" You push up against the wall and away from the figure as he steps closer. 

"You live with me now, and you will follow my rules and be my little pet..." he laughs deeply as he steps into the moonlight. It feels like the air has been sucked from your lungs as you look over his features.

He had pale skin, jet black hair that flipped to the side, and a slight beard of short black whiskers. A muscular, perfectly sculpted body, covered by a black t-shirt and dark blue jeans, held up by a black belt studded with silver spikes. 

"Stand up and come here..." he orders quietly. 

Jumped out of your trance, you shake your head slowly, staring up at him. He laughs deeply and disappears in a flash. The room is completely silent for a moment. You blink your eyes, and suddenly he is on his knees, teetering on the side of the bed, one hand grasping your bra strap, the other cupped around your hip. 

"You will follow my rules and take my orders, that is unless you want punishment." He grins evilly and stares deep into your (e/c) eyes.

Although the better half of your brain told you not to, the stubbornness in your heart pushed you to say something back. "I don't want to get up. What happened to my shirt?" You ask, annoyed. He turns his head away and smiles before turning back, swiftly wrapping a hand around your throat. His grip is tight enough to keep you still, but loose enough to let you breathe. You glare up at him, taking in his angered expression.

"You have one last warning. I am taking pity, but after this, you only have one chance. Don't fuck up...," he takes his hand from your throat. "Get out of the bed now and come over to the mirror." He points across the room and in the blink of an eye, he stands there still and waiting. 

Your body shakes slightly as you move the blankets away and move reluctantly across the room. Noticing that you still have on your jeans, you are grateful he had least had the sense to leave them on. You stand in from of him, gripping your left arm with your right and stare into the ground. You avoid his eyes, simply because his face is pissing you off. Handsome bastard should have obducted someone else. 

He takes your shoulder and spins you around, grabbing your hips quickly and pulling you towards him, almost an inch away from his muscular body. He trails a hand up your left arm and behind your shoulder. 

"Look in the mirror and see your marking. You belong to me now." 

You stare wide-eyed into the mirror. A tattoo of a calm faced wolf with one (e/c)  eye is marked onto your left shoulder blade. You wince and groan quietly at the placement. If you were going to have to live with this for the rest of your life, he sure chose a shitty place to put it.

He chuckles at your response before turning your body back around to face him. "I have one to match." He turns his back to you, slipping off his shirt, allowing you to look at his shoulder blade. A tattoo of a snarling wolf, jaws open, ready to bite, lips curled back, and one red eye. You glare at the matching tattoo, realizing it resembles the wolf that had bitten you earlier. 

He turns back around, tossing his shirt to the floor. "Now for your first demand...," he steps forward, forcing you to back against the wall next to you. He brings his hand up, slipping his fingers around your bra strap, sending chills down your body. 

"Take it off," he growls, tugging lightly on your bra strap and staring into your eyes. 

Against your better judgment, you decide to snap back with: "I'm not going to take it off. Not for you. Go away, pervert." 

He continues to stare deep into your eyes, a crabby frown appearing on his face as he lets go of his grip on your strap. His hands travel down to his belt buckle. He glares at you, whispering: "That was your last chance." 

Although you are fairly brave, the sight of him removing his studded belt causes you to be on edge. He holds up the belt and quickly cracks it on the wall next to you. You jump at the sound and your heart beats fast from fear. 

He chuckles and moves his hand up to your head. He places his forefinger and thumb on your chin, forcing you to turn your eyes up to him. He soaks up your fright like a sponge. "I'll be back soon for your punishment..." 

In an instant, he disappears without a trace. You take a deep breath, attempting to lower your heart rate as you step back over to the bed, pulling up the covers before crawling under them again, keeping yourself hidden. "What have I gotten myself into?" you grouch to yourself.

Time passes, and minutes feel like hours. After a while, you become fairly fatigued and decide that being hidden beneath the covers is a safe place for a nap. It doesn't take long to fall asleep, the heavy comforter resting against your body.  

The door handle creeks.

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now