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"Lani, guess who's stalking me again," my best friend greets me at my locker.

I grab my history book before closing the locker and facing him, "Ummm let me guess, Jenna?"

"Yeah, she won't stop texting me. She even came over to my house yesterday," he sighs.

"See, Mikey, this is why you shouldn't mess with the crazy ones," I laugh at him.

He rolls his eyes jokingly, "Whatever. You coming over tonight?"

"Maybe around 7. I'm going to the mall with Mike and Reyna after school."

"Oh..... why didn't I get invited?" he asks, since he was good friends with Michael and Rey too.

I shrug, "We did invite you but you were busy flirting with Anna, I think."

"Damn, my bad. I'll see you at 7, then. I'll buy us some snacks," he smiles and gives me a tight hug before walking over to his friend Marcus and this girl named Olivia.

I watch him for a minute but it only hurts me seeing him flirt with the girl, though I should totally be used to it by now.

"You really need to get over him, Lana."

"If only it were that easy, Mike. Are you driving us to the mall?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Mmm change of subject. But yeah," he runs a hand through his hair.

"I can't just get over him, you know I've tried. But I made a promise to myself that I'd start looking for someone else, okay?"

He grins, "Good. We can look at the mall."

"We? You're going to help me look for a guy?"

"Technically just you and Rey, but I'll be there to supervise," he says.

Right then the bell rings, so we part ways and I head to history. I have Marcus in this class, which is good I guess. I don't really consider him as a friend, more like an acquaintance. He's always been more Mikey's friend than mine.

But really he made a boring class ten times better, so I was grateful.


"How about him?" Reyna points to a tall boy with curly hair.

"... No," I sigh, saying no for the thousandth time today.

I take a sip of my drink, feeling hopeless (we took a break from walking around and decided to stop at Starbucks). At this point, there was no sense in them showing me any guy. My mind was on Mikey.

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now