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"Is she in there?"

"Yo, dude, maybe you shouldn't go in there-"

I'm woken up by loud voices and a slam of a door, and I quickly notice the harsh throb of a migraine. I sit up and it doesn't take long to realize what I've done.

I look up at the doorway and see Marcus and...


I grab the bed sheet and cover myself, refusing to make eye contact with my boyfriend.

"What the fuck."

I tightly close my eyes, hearing a groan coming from the other side of the bed, "Ugh."

He rolls over and sees me next to him, jumping in confusion.

This was so awkward.

I hear bitter laughing coming from behind the two boys standing at the door and finally find the strength to look over there.

"Well would you look at this," Reyna says, peeking around Chance who looks absolutely heartbroken.

"Rey, don't," Marcus shakes his head and tries to get her to leave.

She shakes him off, "No! Are you kidding me? This is just perfect. Everyone's finally realizing that little miss perfect is no longer perfect. She never has been."

Michael tenses from beside me and spits, "Get the fuck out of here."

Reyna frowns and it's clear that she's hurt, "Really Mike? You're pathetic."

Another figure appears behind her and we immediately make eye contact. As if this situation couldn't get any worse, Mikey decides to show up.

I look at the clock in the room. 2 am.

His eyes go wide but he just stands there, just like Chance.

I feel my eyes start to water as all hell breaks loose.

"Go!" Michael shouts.

Chance finally moves and scoffs, "You go! You can't tell us to leave when you fucking did this."

Michael goes to speak back but Marcus sighs, "We should give them some... privacy? At least let them get decent."

Mikey nods in agreement but Chance wasn't having it, "No, fuck that. This is bullshit."

"Chance-" Mikey starts to say,

"- What?!"

Mikey walks further into the room, placing a hand on his shoulder, "C'mon dude. Let's go downstairs and wait."

They have a stare down before Chance breaks and storms out of the room. One by one, they follow him out. Mikey's the last to leave and he smiles sadly in disappointment, before softly shutting the door behind him.

The room is completely silent now and I couldn't move. I felt absolutely numb.


I shake my head as the tears stream down my face. I didn't want to hear anything at the moment.

I cheated. I fucked one of my best friend's and cheated on my boyfriend. I lost my virginity to Michael.

"I'm sorry," he whispers before getting out of the bed and getting dressed.

Soon but not soon enough, he leaves the room.

I sit alone for at least 2 minutes before deciding to get dressed as well. I can't avoid everyone forever.

When I'm done, I find myself searching the room for something but can't find it. I start to panic and I can feel myself on the edge of having a full on panic attack.

Eventually, I calm myself down and shake the thoughts from my head. Time to do the walk of shame down the stairs.

As I make my way down, I notice that it's completely silent, which is never good.

My foot hits the bottom step and hundreds of eyes are on me. Many of them dart back and forth between the group of us that had just been arguing upstairs... and I'm guessing everyone knows.

Reyna coughs out a smart remark, "Slut."

A few people snicker before Mikey gets pissed off, "Everyone get out! Party is over!"

No one moves until Olivia sighs, "Okay seriously, time for everyone to go."

Mikey sends her a thankful smile as people start to leave. She shakes her head and stares at me, "Please tell me you didn't have sex in my bed."

I look down and shrug, having no idea whose room it was. She groans and makes her way upstairs. We hear her curse loudly so I assume it was her room.

Reyna laughs and we all glare at her, Marcus grabs her arm and makes her leave with him.

Leaving me, Michael, Mikey, and Chance... Yay.

Mikey clears his throat after some time, "I'm... gonna go wait in the car," he tells me since he's most likely going to take me home.

Then there were 3. Michael's the first to talk, "I'm so sorry bro. I never meant for this to happen, we were drunk off our asses and-"

Chance holds his hand up to stop him from speaking any further, "You know, I thought you were my best friend. You were the one who fucking told me about her in the first place. And you go behind my back and... what the fuck man?"

Michael looks down in shame, "I'm really sorry."

Chance shakes his head and looks at me expectedly, as if I was supposed to say something. "So you're just not going to say anything?"

I stare at him blankly, still feeling very numb.

"Wow, okay. Fuck this. Both of you can go to hell," he spits before he leaves the house.

Michael sighs, "Alanna..." he trails off.

I felt my world crash in a matter of seconds. That feeling I've been dreading... the feeling that something bad was going to happen... well this was it.

He sighs and pulls me to him, even though I struggle to get away from his touch. He refuses and holds me in his arms, "I won't let this ruin our friendship. I don't care if everyone on this Earth hates us now... I want you to know that you have me."

I nod slightly, acknowledging his words. He kisses the top of my head before leading me outside to Mikey's car.

He opens the door for me and I quietly get in the passenger's seat.

Mikey nods at Michael before pulling off and heading to my house.

"It's going to be okay, Lani."

(a/n: damnnnn 😂😩👀 whatcha think? i had this planned, then forgot i had it planned, and them bam. yeah here it is lol. michael and alanna 😬🙊 oops)

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now