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"What are you talking about?" Laura glares at me after she led us to an empty hallway.

I roll my eyes, "I overheard you talking about your little secret. How could anyone even think about doing something so despicable?! You really almost got away with it but I knew. I knew something was up this whole time which helped me finally figure it out. I should have told Mikey about my suspicions a long time ago," I rant before turning away and trying to walk back into the main room. 

She grabs my arm tightly, her nails digging into my arm, "I refuse to let you ruin this for me. Please don't do this."

I scoff, "Are you serious?! This is my best friend's life that you are playing with."

She suddenly starts crying, tears running down her puffy cheeks, "Please! I'm begging you, I just want a normal life. Mikey can give me that- he can give this baby what she needs... He'll love her and take good care of her, please don't mess that up... think about the baby!"

My mouth feels so dry, "She? A girl?"

She nods softly, "I found out two weeks ago, okay? I pretended not to know."

I shake my head, "I'm not even surprised. But it doesn't even matter, good luck with everything but I'm telling Mikey."

She continues to sob and I leave her there in the middle of the hallway. As I'm leaving, I bump into her mother, Nicole. Great.

Her eyes are narrowed into thin little slits and she looks pissed, "Don't even think about ruining this for my baby girl."

My jaw drops once again. Even her fucking mom was in on this. What the hell is wrong with these people?

I laugh hysterically to myself, ignoring her and looking around desperately for Mikey and Chance.

"Get back here Alanna! Don't do it," Nicole shouts after me.

"Dude okay, I get it! You love her... you've told me a hundred times. Good for you," I hear Mikey say.

He and Chance come from around the corner - perfect timing. Chance sends me a panicked look, letting me know he's run out of ways to stall him.

Everything stops once Mikey spots the scene in front of him:

A fuming mother, and devastated pregnant girl, and his worried best friend.

His eyes dart between each of us before he speaks up, "What's going on?"

We're silent for a few seconds before all of us start shouting things at the same time.

"Stop! Alanna, you speak... What is this?" he gives me a scared look and my heart breaks for him.

I tightly close my eyes before looking at his confused expression again. Here goes everything, "She's been lying Mikey..."

"Oh don't listen to her! She's clearly delusional and jealous," Nicole spits defensively, wrapping her arm around a still sobbing Laura.

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now