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So after Chance dropped me off at home, I had to debate on whether I wanted to head over to Mikey's for pizza night or not. I was still pissed at him, but we've been friends for forever. And we've NEVER missed our pizza Friday's.

The game would be over in less than 30 minutes, so I needed to make my mind up fast.

I could either stay home and sleep, or I can go out and spend time with my best friend. It really wasn't that hard of a decision to make.

The whole world knows I can't stay mad at Mikey, no matter what he does.


So 30 minutes later, guess where I am at?

"Lani, you came, thank God," Mikey sighs in relief while pulling me into a big hug.

"Of course I did..."

He lets me go and I walk into his house, hearing him close the door behind me.

"I'm so sorry for everything. You didn't deserve that last night and I should have never said anything like that..." he apologizes.

"I guess I can forgive you... But only if you ordered pepperoni pizza," I joke, cause we both know that is my favorite kind of pizza by far.

"Duh, you know I did. Oh and I also ordered some boneless BBQ wings. We haven't had those in a while."

I playfully rub my growling stomach, "Ugh I have the best friend ever," I head into the kitchen where the food is, "Pizza will never let me down."

He shakes his head, "Wow and here I was thinking you were talking about me."

I take a slice of pizza and some wings, throwing them onto my plate, "You're okay too, I guess."

He laughs, but I can tell it was kind of forced, which threw me off. I thought we were okay now.

"What movie did you pick out for tonight?" I ask him, trying to continue the conversation.

"You'll love me for this - a scary one."

I cringe as soon as the words leave his lips. I have to be in a certain mood to watch a scary movie, and I am not in that mood tonight.

".... Yay, fun..." I respond sarcastically.

He only wiggles his eyebrows at me before taking his plate to the living room where the movie is already ready for us.

I throw a few more slices on my plate before making my way to the couch where Mikey is now sitting. The movie is already playing and I have no idea what the name of it is. I don't care to know either, to be honest. I probably won't even watch most of it.

We finish our pizza silently, while watching the movie, which also is silent much to my surprise.

"I don't get it," I complain.

"Shhhhhh, just watch," Mikey laughs.

I continue to watch, and the family on the movie are now walking some old bridge. The next thing that happens, I did NOT expect and I couldn't help but gasp.

"What the fuck," I cover my eyes and Mikey laughs at me.

"That's what happens if they make noises. Make sense now?"

I nod slowly with my hands still covering my eyes.

"You're safe for now, you can take your hands away," he tells me, but I ignore him because I don't trust scary movies like these.

I feel his hands on mine as he tries to pry them away, sadly succeeding.

"Ugh, I hate you for making me watch this."

He just smiles at me before grabbing the blanket that was folded at the end of the couch and basically cuddling up to it.

"Are you cold?" he asks me.

"Yeah, but I'm okay," I respond.

He moves closer to me and opens his arms for me to lay in, which is usual for us. I do and he wraps the blanket around us.

We continue to watch the movie even though I don't really like it.

"Why would they even do that knowing the consequences? I don't see how they could make it," I ask.

"Maybe she got pregnant on accident, I don't know." he says softly.

"Rightttttt, okay. Wait, how did they even- you know what, I'm not even going to finish that question."

Mikey laughs, "Please don't. I was thinking the same thing, though."


We're almost half way finished with the movie, and I honestly wish we could watch something else. It's pretty stupid and I don't understand sign language much (which is how they were communicating.)

The subtitles were supposed to help, but they are in Chinese instead of English.

"Oh my Gosh, noooooooooo," I bury my head into his chest, not wanting to see what happens next.

Mikey hasn't said much since the beginning of the movie, which was odd. He looks at me and sighs before pausing the movie.

I remove my head from his chest, "Why did you pause it?"

"I um... need to tell you something."

I laugh lightly, trying to break the tension from how serious everything just turned, "Okay...? I guess if it gets me out of watching the rest of this movie, I'm all ears."

He looks down and unwraps his arms from me, causing both of us to sit up. I was a little nervous because I have no idea what he's going to say, but obviously it's pretty serious.

"I needed you at the game tonight... I know you were out having fun on your date, but I couldn't help but look for you in the crowd..." he starts.

"I'll be at the next game. I promise," I tell him.

He goes to say something else but changes his mind and nods, "Okay. Promise?"

"Promise," I tell him with a cheeky smile.

He finally cracks a small smile, one that still manages to make my heart skip a beat, before playing the movie again.

(A/N: Hehe I had an alternative ending to this BUT I changed my mind 😉😉😉 Saving it for later. Love you & thanks for reading & voting! Means a lot to me.)

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now