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After school ended, I went home to get ready, which didn't take long at all. We're only meeting for coffee, so I figured a casual look would be fine.

Now that I'm actually sitting here at the coffee shop, the nerves start to settle in. I haven't been on an actual date in so long, it all seems so foreign to me.

I arrived early, just in case I tried to chicken out last minute. My phone vibrates on the table, and for a second I think that maybe it could be Chance calling to cancel our... date?

But it's only Mikey calling. I hesitantly answer,

"Yes?" I say with a monotone voice.

"Um... Hi. Are you still pissed at me?"

"Maybe. Why, what's up?"

"... I just missed my best friend. You avoided me like the plague today, and it kind of hurt," he tells me.

I let out a small scoff, not meaning to sound like a bitch, "Mikey... how do you think I feel? What you said last night, the whole comment about 'me ditching you for some guy', yeah that hurt."

He sighs, "Look, I'm sorry-"

I cut him off, needing to rant for a minute, "Plus, aren't you the one always telling me to put myself out there? But why is it that when I actually find a guy, you decide that he's no good without even knowing anything about him. God, Mike, it's like the only guys you want me around are your friends or Michael. Just let me have this, okay? I'm tired of feeling... alone."

The other end is silent for a while, until I hear shouts and the sound of lockers slamming, "Right... Yeah, you're right. I was a dick last night and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything about Chance. I just... I don't know... Lani, have fun tonight. I understand if you can't make it to the game. I'll order us a pizza, and if you show up then I know we're all good. I love you," he pauses, waiting for me to respond.

"Okay... I'll see you. I love you too."

We say our goodbyes and I set my phone down on the table before looking up. My eyes widen once I realize that Chance was already standing in front of me, looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"... Was that- you don't have a boyfriend do you?" he asks curiously and cautiously.

I stand up, "No, no. That was my best friend, Mikey. We got in an argument and yeah... all good now," I send him a soft smile before leaning in for a hug.

He wraps his arms around me, and I must say he smells really REALLY good. We finally let go of each other and he smiles back.

"Okay, let me go order us something to drink. What would you like?"

I tell him my order before sitting back down, waiting on him.

Shortly after, he returns and sits across from me, "They'll bring it to us. I ordered some kind of crescent too."

I thank him before asking him how his day was.

"It was good, a little tiring but good. Work was boring, but Brooklyn surprised me with lunch, so that was cool."

"Aw, that's cute. Where do you work?"

"I'm mostly training to be an EMT but I still get paid. Kind of the best job I could get without a degree," he tells me.

"So you didn't graduate?" I ask, before realizing that maybe I shouldn't have asked that.

"No, when Brooklyn was born, I had to make a lot of decisions... and we needed money so I had to do what I had to do. But they only let me train because I told them I was working on getting my diploma... So hopefully, I can get my G.E.D or something soon."

We're interrupted by the waitress who sets down our drinks and food before leaving.

"Wow, I know that probably wasn't an easy decision," I grab the iced coffee and take a few sips.

"It definitely wasn't. But we don't have to talk about that tonight... How was your day?"

"It was interesting. Went by fast, thank goodness."

He laughs, "Not a big fan of school?"

"Not one bit. I'm so ready to graduate."

He drinks his drink, and I can't help but to admire his features; he looks so good.

He catches me and smirks a little, but doesn't tease me about it, which I like.

He looks down for a second, "So, you said your best friend's name is Mikey?"

I find it a little odd that he chooses to ask me that of all questions, "Um... yeah. He said something about knowing you, but I wasn't going to ask about it," I honestly say.

"Yeah, we met a while back. Cool guy..." I could tell that there was much more to the story, but the last thing I wanted to do was talk about Mikey tonight.

We continue on with our date (which Chance officially confirmed that it was in fact a date) getting to know each other without it being too personal.

As we walk around the park, where we ended up going to after we finished our drinks, Chance stops me and takes both of my hands in his.

"I should have said this much earlier, but you look beautiful tonight, Alanna."

He smiles while looking into my eyes, and he has one of the most breathtaking smiles that I have ever seen. His eyes crinkle up a bit, and it's the cutest thing.

"Thanks, Chance," I blush, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear shyly.

He tilts his head, "You don't get told that a lot do you?"

I'm not sure how he knew that, but he was right. There was only a few people who told me I was beautiful, like Reyna, Michael, Mikey, and our moms. But they don't count because they obviously have to say that.

"Not really, no," I sigh.

"Well now you have me to tell you every day. At least, I'll try my best to tell you every day. That is, if you want... more days with me?" he asks, now turning shy as well.

I giggle, which causes him to blush, "That was horrible, I'm sorry, Alanna," we both start laughing, "What I'm saying is, I really enjoyed tonight and I like hanging out with you. Maybe we can do this again sometime?"

I smile, "Definitely."

(A/N: I haven't updated any of my stories in so long. Forgive meeee 😩)

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now