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Mikey 😕: Hey.. you coming to the game?

I scoff as I read his message. Is he serious??? He's choosing to ignore everything and I'm not with it. He's lucky Chance invited me to the game or I wouldn't bother showing up.

Lani 👑: mhmmm 😕

He doesn't text back so I decide to get ready. The game was in an hour and I told Chance I would meet him there early.

I'm not sure why he would want to go to a basketball game at a high school that he doesn't even attend, but who was I to question him. I figured it was because he knows a lot of people who go there or something.

Who knows, the fact is I get to spend more time with him and I'm really happy. I'm going to give this relationship everything I can to see if it'll work. I really have a good feeling about him.

I was worried about it feeling wrong but it doesn't. It's hard to explain but I just feel safe. 


I laugh at something Chance said and he grins cheekily as he guides us up the bleachers. We got here early so we get to sit at the very top, which I've always loved to do at games. Football games, basketball games, soccer games: you can find me at the top of the stands.

"You look beautiful," he compliments me.

I blush and shake my head, "I'm literally wearing sweatpants and a hoodie.

He smirks, "Is that all?"

"Chance!" I laugh and smack his arm.

"Kidding, kidding. Ouch," he laughs with me and rubs his arm with a pout on his face.

"Awwww aren't you cute," I pinch his cheek and he narrows his eyes at me.

He glances from my eyes to my lips, "I'll show you cute," he puts his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him.

My heart beats out of my chest as he leans in closer and we finally kiss. And let me tell you - the wait was definitely worth it. His lips are so soft and he runs his tongue over my bottom lip but pulls away before I can give him access.

He smiles which causes his eyes to squint, which is one of my favorite things to see, "So?"

"That was... yeah," I blush shyly and he chuckles before wrapping his arm around me.

I could get used to this real fast.


"What was that?!" Chance shouts as one of the players on the other team shoves Camry, but the referee ignores it completely.

I look up at him and he sighs, "Sorry I'm a little too invested in this game."

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now